Torn Asunder

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~~~ Hello all. I'm writing this story from 2 different POV's, so when the POV changes, I'll try to make it clear. These POV's are occuring at the same time, so it may be a little weird, jumping around the time line a little. It's an experiment, writing in this style, but I sincerely hope you stick with me and this tale. If it's really confusing, let me know and I'll see if I can tweak it to make it better for the readers to follow.

For right now, I'll be doing 2 parts for every chapter. Chapter 1 Dante's POV and Chapter 1 Valentine's POV. Basically you could read just Dante's chapters and follow only his story, or you could just read Valentine's and follow hers. But hopefully you like following them both. Without further ado: Dante and Valentine.

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