Chapter 6 Valentine

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A/N: Adult scene in this chapter. I warned you that there will be more details, this is definitly one of those chapters that is going to have those details

Also, I am working from a very old version of the internet today so I can't actually italize things. So if you see ~ around words like this~ it indicates that it's one of those internal conversations or dream sequenced alright?


I didn't like this, I didn't like this at all. The things I thought in my head weren't necessarily what my body was doing. It was little things at first. I'd be eating and suddenly I'd want to stop eating. But my hand would keep bringing food to mouth until the plate was cleared. But hey, I wasn't wondering if B negative would taste any different from Ixchel's A positive, so I figured eating human food was still better than lapping up my freind's blood.

I think I just grossed myself out with that thought. The only positive I had from this heightened Hunger Dante forced on me, was that I could feel him almost always now. Not in the whole, I know what he's thinking way, but in the, I know when he's awake or asleep and when he's thinkin of me way. It loosened something inside my chest to always know whether or not my twin was alright, I just wished I didn't feel so... inhuman to have that assurance.

Ixchel and Caleb had finally told me what a Mercy was, and why taking me to them right now was as likely to get me killed as it was to save Dante. The Mercy, was a group of like minded supernatural killers. They were either humans or recovered humans, and they spent their lifetimes dedicated to hunting down and killing creatures like me. Joy. Of course, learning that getting turned into a vampire wasn't necessarily the end of the line was uplifting. As long as Dante had some part of him that was human, he could come back to me. Normally this meant he couldn't Feed on mortal blood, but since I vanguarded a mortal part of his soul, the theory was that he could go on a rampage through an orphanage and still be able to come back to human. Though if he ever tried something like that, I'd kill him myself.

"So... why exactly are they not just going to kill me?" I asked, eating.... unidentified meat substance. Ixchel liked to cook, unfortunately that didn't mean she was good at it.

"Because they've been chasing rumours of Lucretia since the biblical age." Caleb replied, sitting in the window frame and smoking out the open pane.

I blinked and let the information, and the food, digest for a few silent minutes before I tried to get more direct answers. When I felt ready, and like my stomache settled, I asked my questions. "What can you tell me about Lucretia? And what reassurance can I get that your Mercy won't just kill my twin to be safe?" I'm a sweet girl by nature, and people tend to think this makes me naive and innocent. But I know how selfish and cruel the world can be, I just refuse to let it stop me from being happy.

Caleb through his cigarette out the window and lit a different type of smoke, beconing me over so I could take a few puffs. I did, feeling the buzz sweep through me, but it faded after a few heartbeats, as useless as pain killers had been when I needed them. Still, I stood almost between Caleb's knees, ignoring the blue smoke that curled around me while his eyes studied my face. I didn't look directly at him, and had been dodging both him and Andros as much as possible since the day I overheard their little chat about me. It was easy to avoid Andros, he spent most time still in bed, healing far slower than I had, but Caleb was harder to bounce. The oply reason he hadn't cornered me alone before now, was that Luka is an impressive barrier when he sets his mind to it, and Caleb hadn't figured out what he wanted to say yet.

Ixchel was in taking care of Andros right now, and my guardian slash guard dog Luka, was passed out cold on hte couch, having been pulling short sleep shifts ever since I was injured, just to make sure neither man harassed me over it. So like the idiot I was, here I am standing within grabbing distance of Caleb, and all because I had forgotten, even for a moment, that I was mad at this man. I really was far too forgiving. Then again, as I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and felt the Hunger stirring in my gut despite the food I had just choked down, I figured that maybe I had wandered over here on instincts other than my usual submissive ones. He smelled too good for me not to be thinking FOOD.

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