Chapter 11 Valentine

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I was in my twin's body and even though he and I had gotten all kinds of close in the dreamscape a moment ago, I had never once expected.... THIS. I was hyperventilating, which is a neat trick when the body you're currently piloting around is undead and doesn't actually need to breath anymore. And for added fun, my heart rate was right around hummingbird level and I think I needed to pee.

Before I could descend into the gibbering terrors, there were sounds of something approaching. In my own flesh, this strange golden glow pulses around living things, in Dante's body I could almost feel the vampire coming towards me. Wait, I actually COULD feel it! Something low in my gut twisted, but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling. A warm flush spread through my borrowed body and I watched in horrified fascination as Dante's body swelled into full arousal by the scent of the vampire coming towards me. And being trapped in an aroused man's body is NOT what I would suggest trying for kicks and giggles. It was creepy, seriously and wholly freaking me out. First of all because it was so OBVIOUS. Secondly because no matter what I did; poke it, try to hide it, nothing made it go away. It was like one of those annoying punching clowns that you knock down and it pops right back up again!

The door opened as I was still awkwardly trying to figure out what to do with an erection for the first time in my life and I looked up to see a beautiful blonde woman smiling at me with fangs clearly exposed. And my body knew this was Dante's Master, the vampire that had turned my twin and started us down this path of maddness. And even though I'd like to consdier myself a reasonable woman, who lets logic and empathy drive most of my decisions, I pounced at the blonde and tried to rip her throat out with my teeth. Of course, I was expecting some kind of fight in response to my actions. Instead, the blonde vampire grabbed the still excited part of Dante's anatomy and I let out a startled shout, throwing myself back.

The psycho with fangs followed my movements back and kept rubbing at the ah... little Dante. I slapped at her hands, resisting the suddenly ravenous Hunger that battered at me. But compared to what I'd been dealing with, the arousal and Hunger were easier to shrug off. Not that it hurt any less, but I had been dealing with this specific pain for the last few weeks and had grown accustomed to bearing it. I just hadn't expected her response to an attack to be sex. This little girl was really kinky. No wonder she'd gotten Dante's attention. A swirl of possessive jealousy snarled through me and I fought back against her. It wasn't helping, she seemed to actually enjoy having me become violent.

And then she sank her fangs into my wrist and I lost control of the body I was in. Fangs I've never gotten accustomed to filled my mouth and tore into my own tongue, filling my mouth with coppery liquid. It jsut enflamed the Hunger and as the vamp fed from me, Dante's body acted on it's own accord. By pulling the blonde closer, a quick snap forward and I was Feeding to. Holy crap! The difference in human blood and vampire, I can't even explain it. I wasn't sure if it was because Dante had Turned and I hadn't or something else, but it felt like I was getting my first drink of water after crawling through the Saharra Desert.

There was the sound of tearing fabric and I hurtled the vampire away from me, alarmed to find that she'd torn the pants right off my body. I was guessing that she hadn't realized that it wasn't Dante driving the body, and I had no clue if letting her in on the fact was a good idea or not. I just didn't know. My breathing started to get the hyperventilating edge of panic to it again as I realized that to convince these monsters that I was my twin, I'd have to act like him. And that seemed to mean I'd be having sex with this vampire. I was so not doing this sober but I have no clue if Dante can even GET drunk anymore.

"It's good to see you acting like the magnificient beast you are." The blonde purred at me, wiping the blood off her face and licking it clean.

I used the ratty sleeve of Dante's shirt to wipe my own face clean, not in the least bit surprised to find old stains from where he'd done the same. My twin was always a sleeve wiper, ever since I could remember. "What is going on?" I demanded, still not used to hearing a deep, manly voice instead of my own husky but definitely female voice.

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