"Don't speak to me like that, I haven't done anything wrong."

"That was the right thing to do was it?"

"It just happened," I shrugged.

"Few too many glasses of rosé was it?"

"No the complete opposite actually, It was just me and him reminiscing about when we first met."

"Oh how romantic," he said rolling his eyes.

"He's changed, why can't you just give him a chance?"

"Because he hasn't changed, he's playing you and you're too naïve to see it. If he loved you he would have come back when you asked and deep down you know he would have."

"He's apologised about that."

"It's as simple as that is it?"

I shrugged again.

"After everything we've been through and everything you've said to me in the last few weeks. I thought you were better than this babe."

"Yeah, so you keep saying."

"Come on, where are these chest pains now he's necking lager down his neck?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"There's no proof that he's even ill, you're taking his word for both the medication and doctors appointments."

"He wouldn't scoop that low."

"Really? If I asked you that last week would you have said the same thing."

"Things are different now. He needs me, he's not well."

"Well medication might be a better option when you're trying to help him next time, not your body," he spat back.

"Why are you so bothered Aston? you said yourself we meant nothing so you shouldn't care who I sleep with or what I even do for that matter!"

"I'm trying to look out for you."

"This is looking out for me is it? All we've done is argue lately, you haven't got a good thing to say about me."

"That's not true. Do you think I'd still be here if it was?"

"Nothing to do with being un-employed then?"

"Oh whatever," he sighed.

I stood in the kitchen as I watched him pick up his keys from the side, making sure he left the house with a slam from the door. I don't know what's going on with my life anymore, I certainly don't feel myself. Aston's right, last week I didn't even want to speak to Charlie but now after spending a few days with him I've lowered myself to sleep with him. I'm a mess.

I need my best friend.

I gave Chloe a quick text and arranged for her to come round in the next hour, so the second I put my phone down I scurried into the bathroom to freshen up and get changed.

"Hello stranger," Chloe smiled behind my front door as I opened it half an hour later.

"Hiya, thank you for coming."

"It's no trouble, I was only at home," she said giving me a warm hug.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good hun, you?"

"I've been better, not going to lie."

"I thought you might be down in the dumps."

"I seem to be making things worse for myself. I've been so stupid Chlo."

"Let me put the kettle on and then you can tell me what's happened."

I perched at the breakfast table whilst she made me a nice strong coffee. I can feel this conversation is going to be deep.

"I told you Charlie's home didn't I, well it's not gone down to well with Aston. It's starting to tear our friendship apart."

"I thought they were friends?"

"Ever since Charlie left for Dubai Aston's turned his back on him. He doesn't like the way he's been treating me."

"It's understandable babe, he's just being a friend to you."

"I don't know anymore, all we do is argue. I've just had another argument with him now."

"About what though?"

"I've slept with Charlie," I mumbled.

"No, you're kidding me Kayleigh?"

"It just happened."

"It never just happens unless you're drunk. Is there feelings still there?"

"No, I don't know why I did it. I suppose it was nice talking to him about when we first got together and one thing led to another."

"But after everything you said about him when he left."

"I know, I've already had this once with Aston."

"Why is he even home?"

"He's been sent home after having chest pains."

"So didn't come home for you?"

"He wanted my support yeah."

"But if there was no chest pains where would he be?"

"Oh, in Dubai," I mumbled.

"I'm guessing he didn't put it that way."

"He hasn't got anyone else Chloe, he needs my support through this. I can't let him go to these doctors appointments on his own to find out its something serious, heart problems run through his family."

"There's better ways to support him though babe, you can't wonder why Aston thinks he's playing you. I'm not saying he's lying but think about it, he's certainly capable."

"Have you spoken to Aston?"

"No, course not."

"That's funny because you're both saying the same thing, why does nobody understand it from my point of view?!" I moaned.

"Hey! I'm on your side, I'm trying to help you."

"It doesn't feel like it, am I really being that naïve?"

"I'm only saying don't believe everything he's telling you, we both know what he's like."

"No, he's changed," I insisted.

Just at that moment Charlie himself came stumbling home, typically stinking of alcohol. It's only just gone nine o'clock!

"I thought you was only having a few?" I asked.

"I met up with a few more lads," he replied. "I told you I wouldn't be late though didn't I?"

"That's whats worrying me."

"Well I had a few shots on top," he shrugged.

"I'm going to get going babe," Chloe smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, I'll show you out. Thank you for coming."

"Anytime, and I mean anytime because it doesn't look like he's changed hun, does it?" she whispered out of earshot.

I'm so confused I don't know what to believe anymore, my two good friends or my cheating ex?


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Ps. please don't hate me for being so boring, I didn't want her to be naive for so long but I've had to change plans to suit the rest of the storyline after reading your comments. This isn't what I wanted to write but I hope it makes sense and lets me continue forward :)

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