Chapter 14: The Glass Sphere

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Natsu POV
"(Y/n)!!! D*mnit!! Happy! Happy hurry your blue butt up!" I shout frustrated, frustrated because I couldn't save
(Y/n), because after all these years of me having fun with my friends she's been here thinking I forgot about her, or that I just didn't care. But I do care, I never forgot about her. She was always on my mind, her smile, her laugh. Poison River is going to pay!!

The rest of the group caught up, "Natsu-san! Let me cast a Troia on you!" Wendy runs up to me with her blue pig tails flying in the wind behind her.

"Thanks Wendy, hey Happy. Do you think that you can catch up to the hover plane?" I ask giving a weak smile to Wendy.

"Aye Sir!" Happy flies up to me and grabs me on my shoulders and picks me up. My feet hovering a few inches above the ground.

"Carla carry Wendy, Starlight carry Gray, and I'll carry Lucy." Erza orders behind me as she changes into her Black Wing Armor.

"3..." Erza's voice rings in the dead silence of the woods.

"2...1... Come on Happy!" I shout.

"Aye Sir!" Happy takes off, flying fast. I love the feel of the wind in my hair, the feel of my scarf flying behind me in the wind. What do those people want with (Y/n), what the hell even is Midnight. I take a deep breath, I need to stay calm. I'm coming (Y/n), I never forgot about you.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Blergh!" I feel sick to my stomach, damn motion sickness.

"Take her this way, the extraction chamber is just down the hall." A voice calls out, but I'm to sick to care. Wait........ extraction chamber!! Is that what Midnight is? Something inside of me, is it my magic power since I was trained by the great moon and star dragon Artemis? No that's not it, they killed my family for it before I trained with Mom (You call Artemis Mom).

The jailer keeps dragging me down the hall, "We're here girly. Welcome to your new home." His gruff voice echoes off the walls.

I look up, I see a large glass sphere with a hole in the top surrounded by many tubes that lead to a control station. The purple glass has many runes and words written on it, I'm too far away to make out what it says but I have a feeling that they are runes and words for pain and magic absorption. I look around the room, stone walls and floors like my old prison cell, but it is less damp and musty. The only light that comes in is from the door and the few hanging light bulbs on the ceiling. "Let me off this damn vehicle." Is all I say, the jailer looks down at me in surprise.

"Got a case of motion sickness, ay." He laughs, "Just think the daughter of Artemis is sitting here on the ground all green." He laughs harder.

After a few long minutes of his ruff voice laughing (which in my opinion sounded like a dying bear), he wiped the tears from his eyes and dragged me to the glass sphere. He climbed all ladder picked up my body, took off my chains and quickly threw me in the sphere, only my feet and legs are in the sphere though. Almost like it has to warm up with taking my magic power. I push up with my arms.

I looked at my wrists, they looked so empty with out them. But I don't miss them, my wrists are now covered in angry purple bruises that will take forever to go away.

"Start the extraction! Phase one of the plan, Get the Midnight activate!" A voice shouts, one of the voices I fear most, the voice of Rikan.

I hear some gears turning, and the sound of machines staring up. "3......2.......1...... and start!" Rikan shouts, I hear happiness and pleasure in his voice. Like he enjoys doing this.

Pain erupts across my legs and feet, I can see (f/c) light and silver light coming off my body. I scream, my legs feel as if millions of bees are stinging them, then knives stab my legs, after that it feels like hot coals are surrounding my legs.

After what feels like forever they turn off the machine, I'm now barely keeping my head out of the sphere, I'm hanging on the edge by my finger tips. "Let's start the machine soon after the ship absorbs some magic power." Rikan shouts, and walks away from the control center. I kick my legs hoping that I can get more of my body out of the machine, but it is no use.

Another few minutes pass and Rikan finally walks back into the room, he walks to the control center and starts to bark out orders. I hear the gears grinding and turning and the sound of the sinister machine start up again. Pain erupts across my body again, and I scream. I hear an explosion from another part of the ship. Is it Natsu? I keep screaming, the feeling of bees stinging, the knives stabbing, and the hot coals intensifies.

Boom! Another explosion goes off, I see a man fly out of one of the rooms down the hall. His shirt is on fire, that can only mean one thing....... "Natsu!!" I scream, I'm starting to lose my grip on the glass and my fingers let go. I'm now only keeping my head above the glass by my chin.

I look down the hallway again and spot a familiar pink haired dragon slayer, fire surrounds his body and fists as he walks down the hallway. He looks up and spots me. He starts to run towards me, the door opens up wider as he enters and I can see Happy, Erza, Gray, Starlight. an unfamiliar white exceed, and 2 unfamiliar girls, one with blue hair in pigtails and with blonde hair.

"Natsu! Erza! Gray! Happy! Starlight!" I shout, the pain is even more intense now as it becomes unbearable. My vision gets fuzzy as I can feel myself fall into unconsciousness. I feel like I'm falling as my chin loses grip of the glass. I hear the sound of fight and everything goes black.

Hey guys! I updated 😸! Thank you so much for the 7k! I never thought that I would have gotten this many reads! Thank you guys so much! I would like to thank @Lily227573 for bringing it to my attention, I've been so busy with school I haven't had much time for Wattpad. Thanks again guys I love all of you my lovely readers.

Stay sexy! Cat-chan signing out!

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