Sorry but......

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Hey guys, Cat here. I'm sorry to say that I will not be updating this week. I've been extremely busy with school and I lost a close relative of mine so that has given me crazy bad emotions. His burial was this week on Friday so I missed school for that, and apparently my teachers like giving you lots of homework when you miss school. So yeah I have tons of homework due Tuesday and I'm not even halfway done with it. So guys I'm really sorry that I can't update, even if I did I would probably be me just venting. It would be a weird and extremely short chapter. I've had a long week and could really use lots of time to just be alone and have my headphones in. I know I suck and yeah. I haven't been sleeping very well lately and school had been extremely exhausting, because the people I am kinda friends with are really hyper and all I've wanted to do is cry in a corner and stay home. None of them know about what happened so I've been spending many days happy, when I'm not but I do it a lot I guess. So I'm extremely sorry about this I just need some more time to just let it out.

Bye hopefully I'll update next week I probably will.

Cat-chan signing out~

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