Chapter 6: Learning anout (Y/n)

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AN: I'm back baby!! Just got wifi so, I will probably update every week so. I changed your dragon's name yo Artemis FYI

Lucy's POV

"(Y/n) died about 3 years ago. Natsu could never get over it, he was the one who found her after all." Gray said.

"How did Natsu find her?" I ask.

"Well Natsu was coming back from a job, Happy stayed back, because he was too little. He heard some yelling and crying, he ran up to were it was coming from and saw a man whipping her. He saved her and brought her back to the guild. When she woke up, she ran off and out the door. Natsu chased after her and caught her carrying her back holding her feet on his shoulder and her head was down by his feet. That was when Natsu and I were 12, (Y/n) was 11 almost 12, and Erza was 13 (AN:is Erza older than everyone else or the say age? Please tell me in the comments.) Years later when they were 14, Natsu and (Y/n) had a fight. (Y/n) wanted to go on a job to fight some bandits, but Natsu said he should go with her. She was a charm mage and not very strong. She wouldn't let him go with her and ran off. When she came back, there was a blonde girl with her and she had a death spell on her." Gray's voice cracked like he was holding back tears, "She died minutes later. Natsu felt like it was all his fault and wouldn't eat, sleep, or talk he was too depressed. The whole guild was depressed and about a year later Lissana died pulling Natu into even more sadness. Erza went with Natsu, because (Y/n) was like her younger sister. The charm bracelet that is in that case over there is (Y/n)'s."Gray finished with tears in his eyes pointing to a glass case over to the right.

"Oh." was all I said. SO NATSU DUMPED ME FOR SOME DEAD GIRL!!!!!!!!

"If you want to know more about her, bring Erza a strawberry cake, but never ask Natsu. It will hurt him more than you think." Gray said looking me straight in the eye with a serious look on his face.

"Ok, thanks!" I said getting up to walk to back to my apartment, so I can relax and then grab some money for the strawberry cake. I want to learn more about this (Y/n), so I can see where I have gone wrong and hopefully replace her with me who is better.

Time skip brought to you by DJorgenbot 's amazing Natsu x Reader, Long Time No See~

I knock on Erza's door, "Hey Erza! I got some strawberry cake for you and can I ask you a few questions?" I shout again pounding on the door. I can hear some feet shuffling so I stop knocking (AN:cough, cough breaking the door down cough, cough).

Erza answers the door, "Can I help you with anything Lucy?" She looks down and see the the cake. "Is that for me? Oh cake where have you been all my life." Erza steals the cake from my hands and walks back into her dorm I follow her in.

"Ummm, Erza I have some questions for you." I turn around and see Erza happily munching on her cake.

"What do you need?" Erza asks.

"Umm I was wondering about the member that died 3 years ago. Her name was (Y/n) (L/n), a charm mage. Gray told me to talk to you."

Erza puts down her cake, "She was like a sister to me. We all loved her, Natsu and I especially. None of us knew about her past, but she was very happy and excited to be at Fairy Tail. One of my the room to the right was hers. I know use it for weapons, but don't touch anything inside that was her's. She actually knew about my past she came across me crying. "

Erza POV

"Erza- chan where are you? Erza-chan." I heard a voice behind me.  I pulled my knees to my chest , tears were rolling down my checks. "Erza-chan what's wrong?" I looked up and saw (Y/n) standing in front of me.

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