CH#21: Demons have left

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*Three months later*

Third person P.O.V

Police cars were all lined up outside the Arrendelle bank as there was a hostage situation inside. Robbers had taken 7 of the banks working staff hostage so they would get a clear exit from the police.

Suddenly frost started to form on every window in the bank which made the robbers alert. Immediatley arrow started blasting from outside after two black figures landed down and started beating the robbers. Those two were Kristoff and Flynn. Rapunzel, Merida, Elsa and Jack got in through the back entrance and immediately took out the the thugs near them. Every of the thugs were knocked except one who was holding a gun towards a young woman.

"Drop it!" Jack shouted but it was of no use.

"Let me go or this one is dead!!" The thug was scared out of pants.

Then everything happened so fast. Merida shot an arrow right towards the man's hand as Jack threw an ice blast towards his body. The man acted on instinct and....


In an instant the man was half frozen to the wall screeching because an arrow had flew right through his hand. Everyone looked towards the young women to see her defending her head while sobbing. Hiccup was standing right next to her holding the bullet in between his fingers. He was wearing a black T-shirt with green pants. Everyone was so happy to see him. Jack was shocked to see him.

"Last times over". Hiccup said as he threw the bullet that landed infront of Jack.

And in a flash, he was gone.

*Three hours later*
*In Berk*

Hiccup petted his black husky dog named Toothless while watching his favourite show Arrow.

He walked towards his door as someone had rung his door bell. He opened his mansions door to see everyone of his friends infront of him with smiles. He was shocked but quickly smiled and hugged everyone. Everyone came in and sat down after petting Toothless. Toothless sat in Rapunzel's lap.

"Anyone want something. Soda, pizza?" Hiccup asked them all but they denied.

"Sit down Hiccup. We need to talk." Elsa said to which Hiccup sat down a chair.

"Why do I feel I've been called in the principal's office." Hiccup giggled.

Ever since Zoom died, he has been satisfied and always happy.

Everyone just stared at him.

"C'mon guys I thought I was the serious one." Hiccup joked again.

"This is about you leaving the team." Merida stated at which Hiccup's mouth closed shut.

"It's been three months Hiccup but you still haven't comeback to the team." Rapunzel stated while stroking Toothless.

"I told you all already. I'm in a state to move on now so I'll use that opportunity. I'm done with being a hero. Zoom's dead and so my goal has been accomplished. Secondly, what would Astrid say after hearing my intentions to kill Zoom. She'd probably tell me to get out." Hiccup told everyone.

Flynn got a notification on his watch.

"There's a robbery at Corona Bank." Flynn told everyone and they all stood up.

Jack looked at Hiccup and back at his team. "Let's go"

Everyone but Jack gave Hiccup a 'Goodbye' hug and went outside. Jack stopped in front of the open door.

"Hiccup I just wanted you to know this. You were the hero even before Zoom showed up. Getting revenge for Astrid wasn't your goal." He said and left Hiccup standing in the door frame wondering what he was going to do.

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