CH#12: The Mall

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*2 days till the fight*

Hiccups P.O.V

*Flashback 6 months after previous*

"Haha well I have to say.... You never seize to amaze me Hic" Astrid sweetly stated while savouring the tasty spagetti.

"Well I thought we needed a little romantic time, so decided to take you on a date. Hope you like the food-"

"- I LOVE the food and babe I know that you've been busy saving Berk with the team so its OK. Actually I love playing pranks with Jack on you guys haha. The whole team is so awesome."

"Yeah... They of a kind" Hiccup said while smiling brightly. He softly took Astrid's spare hand that was rested on the table and began playing with her tiny but strong fingers.

Astrid smiled admiring her boyfriend. "Hic you what?, we should have a hang out at your house and we should invite the team".

Hiccup thought for a while as he lip-bited Astrid's fingers then muttered an ok. He was too deep in thought that he wasn't letting Astrid's hand off his soft lips. Astrid giggled at Hiccup and tried to bring Hiccup back to reality. She then decided to standup and kiss Hiccup on the cheek. Hiccup snapped and looked up to see Astrid smiling.

He stood up chuckling at what happened and locked his hand with her. "Julie.." Hiccup called the 24 year old sitting at the restaurant table.

"Hiccup..." Julie imitated his voice like always. The three of them giggled and than Hiccup informed Julie that all the food was on his card." K bye Julie"
"Bye guys" Julie replied as the couple exited.

"I love you.. You know that" Astrid sweetly whispered in Hiccup's ear nearly biting it. Hiccup let her lean on him while chuckling. "I love you too." He stated while opening his black Ferrari car door for her. "M'lady"

*End of flashback*

"I hate this..." Hiccup informed the team as they decided to have a break today and hangout at the mall.

*Third person P.O.V*

Everyone except Hiccup had lunch dates *(you know the ships right?)* except Hiccup. Merida met a handsome buff man called Eret who was also working as a spy. Everyone except Hiccup told Eret that they were this-that named superheroes and stuff. Hiccup stood up from the empty table decided to lean on the railing.

He thought about what he has accomplished in his life and what he lost. His eyes were dead still and hands gripping the railing firmly. His knuckles were turning white by his strong grip.

Jack excused himself from Elsa and went outside to Hiccup. "Chill.." He stated to Hiccup noticing his grip. Hiccup's grip loosened and he leaned on the railing and said: "That's ironic..".

Jack smiled and leaned beside Hiccup. " What you thinkin about?" Jack asked Hiccup the obvious question.

"About.. What have I accomplished....being a hero being the flash what have I accomplished?..."

"The real question is what have you not?" Jack stated.


"Nonono you are done blaming and regretting. Seriously you are DONE!. YOU HAVE BEEN BLAMING AND BLAMING YOURSELF! For things that you couldn't even do. It DOES NOT mean that if you have powers that you are INVINCIBLE!! OK!!??. No more. Go home pet toothless and thats it!! You will not judge your mistakes and any things you did bad in your LIFE!." Hiccup was shocked by Jack's outburst but he needed it. He needed someone to tell him to enjoy his life.

Jack stomped away to Elsa as Hiccup leaned on the railing again.


⚡Have a nice day guys⚡

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