You push Dean away and grab Cas' hand.

"What am I going to dress up as?" He asks as you pull him along.

"I dunno..."

You take him to the front of the store where you find a set of angel wings and a blue flower crown.

"Oh my God, this flower crown will bring out your eyes so well! And we can just attach these to your back or something. We could even spray-paint them black!" You gush, setting the flower crown on his head. He looks a bit confused for a moment but smiles at the excited look on your face.

"This is perfect. Thank you."

"Yay! This is going to be great! Cmon, let's go find Sam and Dean."


After Sam and Dean get the correct size in their costumes, you go hunting for spooky decorations. You end up getting some lights that would look like Christmas lights except that they are orange and white and look like pumpkins and cute little ghosts.

"You boys go out to the car with everything, I'm gonna get my costume."

"Hey, why don't we get to see your costume? And aren't you gonna pay for this first?"

"First, my costume is a surprise. And second, I don't have enough money for all of it. Here's a ten, but I have to spend the rest on my costume."

You press a ten into his hand and then go to find your costume.


"Purrfect!" You laugh to yourself as you walk over to the impala. The best looking costume you could afford to buy was a rather revealing cat costume. You don't really like wearing clothes like this, but this was definitely better the other cat costume that just looking like a black potato sack with holes where you could stick your arms and legs out.

"Hey boys! Thanks for waitin for me," you say cheerily.

"You took forever."

"Sorry, most of the costumes looked like shit. I found one though."

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise, Cas. You'll have to wait until tonight."


Before finally returning to the bunker, you go buy as many different kinds of candy as possible. You also bought some things to make brownies, punch, a cake, and a pie because Dean insisted that you made the best pie ever.

After getting to the bunker, you and the boys take everything inside. Cas tries to hang up the lights while you bake, but he ends up getting tangled in them and almost falling over, so Sam does it instead. Dean spills the candy into bowls, but he mixed all the candies so you had to go back and separate all the candies from each other and organize them, and Dean and Cas helped with that while Sammy made sure your brownies didn't burn.

After re-organizing all the candies and a near death experience with your brownies almost burning and catching on fire, you let Cas make the punch. (Sprite mixed with pink lemonade). You make a chocolate cake and two pies.

You and Sam lug out a giant plastic table and cover it with an orange plastic table cloth. You put all the bowls of candy, punch, pie, cake, and brownies on the table. By that time, it's almost time for the party, so you shoo away Sam and Dean to put on their costumes.

You help spray paint the wings for Cas' costume black and attach them to his back, claiming they look perfect although they are a bit crooked. You put the flower crown in his hair and you swear his eyes shine the brightest blue you've ever seen.

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