Airport Fun

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•Simon's POV•

"Guys!" Tobi shouted from the entryway, grasping all of our attentions. "The cabs are here!"

"Thanks Tobi!" I shouted back and rushed over to the entryway and grabbed my suitcase. I stood and waited for Harry, he slid around the corner, smiling as always.

"Ready to go back to Boston, Si?" Harry asked, his eyes shining with excitement. I smiled, the sight of his excitement makes me so happy.

"Yeah. Maybe this time you won't lock yourself out of your room." I teased and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, that was one time." Harry said as I took hold of his hand and lightly squeezed it.

"I know." I smiled and picked up my suitcase and let go of Harry's hand to put on my backpack. Everyone else did the same, we each had a backpack and a suitcase. Harry and I walked out of the house, hand-in-hand, and put our luggage in the back of the cab. JJ and Vikk put their suitcases in the back of the same cab and Tobi, Ethan, and Josh put their luggage in their cab.

"See you at the airport!" Ethan shouted before getting into his cab. We waved and shouted our goodbyes before getting into our cab. JJ was in the front, Vikk was on the left, Harry was in the middle, and I was on the right.

"Where are we heading?" The cab driver asked. He was wearing sunglasses and an all black outfit.

"The airport." Vikk said and the cab driver nodded.

"Alright, here we go." He said before starting the cab. He turned on the radio and JJ plugged in the AUX cord into his phone. The first song that played was Jump Around, JJ's newest song.

"Filthy promo." Harry said, making his voice sound rough. Vikk, Harry and I burst into laughter, JJ was sulking in his seat. The cab driver was having a good time. He was bobbing his head to the beat of the music and doing some hand gestures. Harry pulled out his phone from his pocket and started to record his dancing.

"Is it going in the vlog?" I whispered in Harry's ear, trying not to catch the cab driver's attention. Harry nodded and grinned. Once he was done recording, Harry turned off his phone and rested his head on my left shoulder.

"I'm tired." Harry said as his eyes closed. I smiled and wrapped my left arm around his shoulders and held him close to me.

"I'll wake you up when we get there." I whispered, hoping that Harry had heard me.

At the airport

"Hey, Boggy. Time to get up, we're at the airport." I said and gently shook Harry's shoulders. I watched as his eyes opened slowly, and a smile formed on his face.


"Not exactly Love. It's almost noon and we have a plane to catch in an hour."

"Oh yeah, I had nearly forgotten." Harry said and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. I smiled and took his hand and helped him out of the cab. We paid the cab driver and got our luggage out of the back of the cab.

"The others are just inside." I said and walked with Harry into the airport.

"Hey love birds." Ethan teased us and grinned, I rolled my eyes.

"Hi." Harry and I said at the same time, we laughed, the others looked at us like we were crazy.

"Let's go!" Vikk said and started to walk off, the rest of us following behind. We got through security and our suitcases were loaded onto the plane we would be taking to Boston. We kept our backpacks on our backs and walked to our gate. We found seven seats in the same area and sat down. Harry sat next to me, since I was on the edge seat. Next to Harry we're Josh and Tobi, and across from me were JJ, Vikk, and Ethan.

"I'm tired..." Harry said as he rested his head on my right shoulder. I smiled and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. I kissed him on the top of his head and he smiled with his eyes still closed.

"Since we still have about an hour, how about we get some food?" JJ suggested, grasping Harry's attention and causing his eyes to fly open and practically light up.

"Food?" Harry asked wide eyed and took his head off of my shoulder. We all laughed and went to find somewhere to eat. We quickly found a Nandos and found a place to sit. Harry was sitting next to me and I was holding his hand as we ordered. I took my vlogging camera from out of my backpack and started to record.

"So we're at Nandos in the airport. Our flight leaves in an hour and we're just eating now." I said as Harry rested his head on my shoulder again. "And if you can't tell, Boggy is still tired."

"Minishaw." JJ teased between fake coughs. I shook my head and laughed, I had gotten used to their teasing a while ago.

"Shut up Jide." Ethan said and glared at JJ, JJ just glared back and they started a staring contest. I filmed the whole thing. Ethan ended up laughing so much that he closed his eyes and his head tilted back, so that made JJ the winner.

"Ha! I win! You mad bro?" JJ gloated as Ethan was sulking in his chair.

"Shut the fuck up JJ..." Ethan mumbled with his arms crossed.

"Can we move on?" Tobi asked to Ethan's relief.

"Yeah." Harry said and yawned, moving so that the top of his head was right against my neck.

"What's everyone looking forward to in terms of going to Pax?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Meeting everyone." Vikk said, Tobi and Josh nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. It's not that often that we get to see the American fans." Josh added and Tobi nodded again.

"Well, we live in London so we don't go to America that often." Tobi explained while looking at the camera. As soon as he finished explaining, our food arrived and Harry sat upright.

"How to wake up Harry: Nandos." Vikk said and everyone laughed. We ate quickly and went back to our gate where people were being let onto the plane. The seven of us got in line and walked onto the plane. On one side of the aisle were four seats, and three seats were on the other side. I sat by the window on the left side, Harry was next to me, and Josh and Tobi were next to Harry. JJ, Vikk and Ethan were on the right side of the aisle. I put my arm around Harry's shoulders and brought him closer to me. I kissed him on the top of his head as we waited for the plane to take off.

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