Nandos Vlog

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•Simon's POV•

We all arrived at Nandos and got out of the cars. I shot a quick glance at Harry, I just couldn't help it. His hair was almost glowing in the afternoon sun, and his eyes were full of light. I quickly turned away and got out my vlogging camera. I turned it on and started talking. "Alright, so we're at Nandos now. And well... Yeah, nothing really exciting has happened yet." I turned off the camera and walked inside. I looked at the scenery videos I had taken to go with this particular vlog, they weren't half bad I guess. I put my hand up to my cheek, it felt hot again. God damn it, I hope nothing's wrong with me.

"Simon, what are you doing there mate?" Asked Josh from ahead of me. All of the guys except me, were at the door to Nandos.

"Looking at some videos to put in the vlog." I lied and ran up to Josh, I hoped he couldn't see through my lie. The seven of us walked into Nandos. And we were seated shortly after. (A/N: I have never been to Nandos before, so this could be completely inaccurate... Sorry)

"And that's it." Said Vikk after ordering. We sat in silence for a few seconds and I took out my camera.

"So we just ordered," I began to say after turning on the camera. "And our food will be here soon!" I turned off the camera and put it near the edge of the table so that everyone could be seen in the shot. I turned the camera on again and sat back down. I was seated in between Vikk and JJ, and Harry was across from me.

"Any challenge ideas?" Asked Harry suddenly, I looked him in the eyes. My face grew a bit hot again. "You know for another football or FIFA video."

"The Vikk draft." I said jokingly and looked at Vikk, he was shaking his head. "No offense Vikk." I added, and Vikk seemed a bit better now that he understood that I was joking.

"You didn't do too well..." Said Ethan, laughing a bit like a maniac. I saw Harry look at the table, and then back up at Tobi.

"Like you could do better!" Harry said, stopping Ethan's laughter at once. I looked at Harry to see him smiling proudly.

"Shots fired!" Whisper-shouted Josh, this was followed by "ooh"s, and Harry apologizing to Ethan very quietly.

"It's alright mate." Said Ethan, smiling again while patting Harry on the shoulder.

•Harry's POV•

"Thanks Harry." I heard Simon say from across the table. He was smiling that perfect smile of his.

"No problem." Was my response, I couldn't think of anything else to say. "One more thing," I began, "we need to upload more videos to the Sidemen channel." I saw JJ start to nod.

"Yeah, but what would we put on there?" Vikk asked.

"I guess just random challenges, but all seven of us have to do it. Since it just wouldn't make any sense to have a video with four of us in it, on a channel about all seven of us." I explained to everyone at the table. I saw the idea cross each person's face, and it was like a light bulb went off in their head.

"That makes sense..." Tobi said after a few moments of silence went by. I quickly looked at Simon's camera. Oh no, I'm sure someone will notice how often I look at Simon... But it will be sped up, so that might not happen... I hope.

"What if..." JJ began, I could almost see the gears turning in his mind. "We put GTA races on that channel? With all of us, not just like... Five." I nodded, I hadn't played GTA in a while, but I was willing to play that game again if it meant keeping the Sidemen channel active and the subscribers entertained.

"I like that idea!" Said Ethan and Josh in unison. I saw Simon nod, good, he likes the idea.

"But Harry, you haven't played GTA in a while, wo-" began Josh, but I cut him off.

"Yes, I would play GTA more." I looked Josh right in the eyes. "I want to keep all of our subscribers happy!" I smiled at the end, I meant every word of what I just said.

"Then it's settled!" Stated Simon, placing his hands on the table. "We'll upload GTA and other challenges on the Sidemen channel. Along with the charity football matches, duh." All of this was discussed before our food arrived. When it did, Simon quickly grabbed his camera and showed it each of our meals. He then placed the camera back where it was.

"Wait, what do you think FIFA 17 is going to be like?" Asked JJ with a half full mouth of food.

"No idea... But I hope it's good." Said Simon right before taking a bite of his food.

"I agree, maybe the gameplay will be a bit less... Hard to control. Especially when taking a shot on goal, or a penalty shot." I agreed instantly.

"I'm lost already..." Vikk mumbled, but I could still hear him. I giggled a bit.

"No worries," I said, then I had an idea. "Maybe... This year we could help you with FIFA!"

"I don't know... I'm more of a MineCraft guy..." Vikk said hesitantly.

"Yeah, we know." Teased JJ, he laughed a bit as well.

"Well anyways," began Tobi, changing the topic of conversation, to Vikk's clear relief. "When should we do another GTA race?" There was a moment of silence as everyone was thinking.

"How about in two days? So that means... Thursday!" Said Ethan, we quickly came to an agreement that we would film on Thursday in the afternoon, and we would all have facecams, so that we could use footage from all of our screens without people getting confused. And we would all go to the Sidemen house to work on editing together. We finished eating and went back to the Sidemen house, and hung out for a few hours, making me a bit tired. I said goodbye to the guys and I then got in my car and drove home. It was just barely quarter past 6, but I was tired, so I went to my room and collapsed into my bed and fell asleep.

A/N: I edited this part a bit in order to make the next part fit in more and be more logical.

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