The Videos

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•Simon's POV•

Harry and I quickly finished our breakfast and headed back upstairs to my room. I could see that he was nervous. We entered my room and Harry looked at the floor, he looked unsure about this. I don't want him to feel afraid, or unsure, I want him to feel safe. I put my right hand underneath his chin and tilted his head upwards so that he was looking me in the eyes. "Don't be scared." I began in the strongest and surest voice I could muster. "Everything will be okay, I promise you." Harry nodded, but I could still see the fear behind his eyes. I gently took hold of his right hand with my left, and pulled him against me in an embrace. His hands were on my upper back, and the top of his head reached almost up to the top of mine. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and placed my hands between his shoulder blades. I felt how badly he was shaking, I held him close to me, trying to comfort him and make him feel safe.

"I'm scared Si." Harry mumbled into my shoulder.

"I know you are." I began to whisper softly into his ear. "But don't worry, everything will be fine. Because I have you, and you have me, and I promise, no matter how much people hate this, I will always love you Boggy." I placed a kiss on the side of his head, somewhere around his temple. Harry held onto me tighter, I heard him start to cry. I held onto him tighter and started to rub his back, which seemed to calm him down a bit. We stood like this for a good ten minutes, when Harry pulled away.

"Let's film this video." He stated, his voice was shaky and his face was stained from his tears.

"Let's get you cleaned up first." I said while taking his hand. I lead Harry to the bathroom and got out a towel. I started to dry his tears, Harry blushed a bit, which made me smile. "Everything will be fine, I promise you that Harry." Harry nodded and gulped.

"Okay... Let's film the videos." Harry said, looking at the floor. I tilted his chin up again and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Don't be afraid. Even if you are, don't show it. And even if you are terrified, I will be here to comfort you, whenever you need me." I smiled and held Harry's hand as we walked back to my room. I pulled the black chair from where it was just out of shot, and moved it so that Harry would be seen. Harry sat in the black chair, and I sat in my red and black chair.

"Let's get this over with." Harry said after letting out a sigh. I put a my right hand on his left shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.

"It will be fine Harry." I said, Harry nodded. "How about I start this like any other video I would do with you?"

"Yeah I like that idea." Harry said while spinning in the chair.

"Alright then. Let's film this video!" I turned on my face cam and cleared my throat. "Hey guys, so incase you can't tell, I am here with the wonderful Harry, or Wroetoshaw."

"Hello!" Harry said, still turning around in circles in the chair. I laughed, but then remembered why we were filming this and got back on track.

"But anyways. This video is a bit different. We have something important to tell you." I stopped Harry from spinning and turned him to face the camera.

"Oh yeah! Simon, would you care to explain?"

"Sure." I took a deep breath and thought of how I would say this. "Now, some of you might not like this, but Harry and I are a couple. That's really the simplest way to put it. And before the comment section goes insane and says things like: 'this isn't true' or 'they're definitely faking it just to feed the shippers!' I can personally assure you that this is how we feel."

"Yeah. And this is our choice, so if you hate us now, then we can't do anything about that." Harry said while holding my hand.

"That's really all that I had to say. So that's all for today and see ya!" I turned off my camera and looked at Harry. "See, that wasn't so bad now was it?"

"I guess. But now we have to film the video to go on my channel." Harry said and started to shake again.

•Harry's POV•

I started to tremble, I realized how big of a deal this was. Simon pulled me into another embrace and I felt safe again. "Thank you Si." I mumbled, Simon nodded. He started to run his fingers through my hair.

"Now, let's film your video."

"Okay." I gulped as Simon turned on the camera. "Hey guys!" I began my intro. "So I'm here with the one and only, Simon Minter, or as he's known on YouTube, Miniminter!"

"Hi." Simon said and waved at the camera.

"But we're here for a very different reason than the usual co-lab videos. Simon and I realized that we have feelings for each other and have now become a couple. This is not fake. We really and truly love each other."

"And if you guys don't like this, that's your problem, not ours."

"Well, that's all I really needed to say. So I'll see you guys when I next make a video. Bye!" Simon and I waved goodbye to the camera and he turned it off.

"Well, I feel like we don't really need to edit these videos. We just need to upload them." Simon said, I nodded.

"But, I don't have my lapto-"

"We can still upload your video to your channel and my video to mine."

"Oh yeah, I must've forgotten about that..." I facepalmed, and Simon giggled a bit.

"Don't do that to yourself Boggy." Simon teased and kissed me on my forehead, where I had just facepalmed myself. I blushed so much that my face turned into a deep red color. "And on the video topic, these videos aren't even two minutes long, so they won't take that much time to be uploaded." We decided to play FIFA while the videos were uploading. There's definitely going to be a lot of hate from these videos. But as long as Simon and I are together, I couldn't care less.

A/N: guys, I'm running out of good pictures and videos to use at the top of the chapter! So if you have any suggestions, comment them here!

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