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•Simon's POV•

The plane landed and I quickly grabbed my backpack and walked briskly out of the plane. I ran out of the airport and called a cab. When the cab arrived, I ran to it, opened the back door, sat down and threw by backpack down beside me. "Where are we heading?" The cab driver asked. I pulled out my sheet of paper which had the address of where Harry was being kept on it.

"Can you take me here?" I asked and handed him the sheet of paper. He looked at the paper and nodded.

"Sure thing." He replied and set his GPS for that location. The drive was going to be over an hour and a half. The house must literally be in the middle of nowhere to be this far away from the airport. It suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't been to Guernsey before. It's certainly different from London, it's a whole lot greener for instance. When we finally arrived to the house I paid the driver and he drove away. I saw Harry's car that he uses in Guernsey in the driveway. Then I took a look at the house. It looked a bit Victorian inspired, with towers and walls jutting out. There was also a huge porch decorated with fancy chairs and tables. I knocked the front door, it was black and had windows on it, flowery curtains were on the inside of the door, preventing people to look inside. I heard footsteps approaching the door and heard three locks unlock. The handle turned and a thin boy with almost white skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair opened the door.

"Peter, right?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yeah. But before we get Harry out, I need you to help me find the key." Peter replied looking a bit sad. "V keeps it hidden in her room, which I'm not allowed in."

"Alright, anything to get Harry out." I said nodding slowly, Peter cleared his throat. "And report V."

"Cool, let's find that key!" Peter said and lead me up the grand staircase. We walked up the stairs and took a left where there was a door. Peter gulped and opened the door. I gasped, there were pictures of me everywhere. The walls and the ceiling were covered in pictures of me.

"Holy shit. This is creepy. How long has this been going on?"

"I have no idea... A while I guess. Now let's get the key and get out of here!"

"Yeah, all of these pictures of me are creeping me out." Peter and I started to look everywhere. I looked under the bed and Peter looked through V's dresser. "I found it!" I shouted and pulled the key out from under a pillow.

"Let's go!" Peter shouted as we ran out of V's room and into the basement. Harry was on the tiny bed facing away from us. I silently unlocked the cage door and snuck into the cell, Peter stayed out of the cell. I walked over to Harry and sat next to him, I placed my hand on top of his head and began to stroke his hair. I kissed his cheek and watched as Harry's eyes open.


"Yeah, it's me Boggy." I said as Harry threw his arms around me and nuzzled into my chest.

•Harry's POV•

Simon wrapped his arms tightly around me, I felt his tears fall onto my hair. I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and tears were on his eyelashes. I moved my face closer to his and kissed him, hard. I could tell he was shocked, he almost fell on his back, but then he kissed back. I separated myself from him and smiled. "I missed you so badly." I said, still smiling.

"I missed you too Boggy. I cried every night just thinking about what you might've been going through every day that you were here, in this cage."

"Well, I'm still here. And it was the thought of seeing you again that kept me going strong."

"Well, now we need to report V to... Child Services, Peter said he gets locked in his room sometimes, that seems Child Services worthy."

"Definitely." I agreed and watched as Simon pull out his phone and walk a bit away from me. He called Child Services, once the conversation was over, he sat down next to me.

"No offense Boggy, but you need a shower." Simon said and I laughed.

"Trust me Si, I know." I said while still laughing. Simon pulled me close to his chest and kissed me on the top of my head.

"But I don't care, I'll love you no matter what." Simon said and pulled me even closer to him until my back was against his chest.

"We should probably get my car back to my house." I said and Simon let go of me. "And I need a plane ticket, since I was here for a long time."

"Yeah that's true. But I have to thank Peter first, I wouldn't have known you were here unless he had given you your phone." Simon said just as Peter was coming down the stairs. Simon got off of the bed and walked over to him. "Peter, thank you so much. Without you, Harry would still be trapped here. I owe you big time."

"You're welcome Simon, but you don't owe me anything. Watching your videos makes me smile everyday, which is enough. But what about Child Services?"

"I called them. They're coming soon and you are being moved to your aunt and uncle's house along with their three kids. You'll be better off there."

"Thank you Simon!" Peter said as he wrapped his frail arms around Simon. I smiled as Simon eventually returned the hug.

"We have to go now Peter. Where are my keys?" I asked, and as soon as I did, Peter ran over to where my phone was. He picked up my flat keys and car keys and sprinted back to Simon and I.

"Here you go. I hope that V will never see either of you. If she does, don't trust her. Take my advice." Peter said while handing me my keys.

"We will, thank you again Peter." I said and have him a hug which he returned almost immediately. Simon held my hand as we walked up the stairs and out of the house. I opened the passenger door for Simon and he sat down, closing the door behind him. I walked around the car and tapped my pocket to make sure my phone was in there, which it was. I opened my door and got in. I closed my door and started the car. "Thank you for trusting me Si."

"Of course I trusted you Boggy. I could hear it in your voice, you were scared, sad, and alone. And I'll always love you with my whole heart, I promise."

"I'll always love you too Si, from the bottom of my heart."

"Shouldn't I be a knight now? You know since I did rescue you after all." Simon teased with a bright smile on his face, I laughed.

"Yes you can be a knight, Sir Simon. My knight in shining Football boots." We both laughed as I drove to my parent's house.

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