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•Simon's POV•

I woke up curled in a ball next to Harry, who still had his eyes closed. I looked at my phone to see what time it was, turns out it was almost half past noon. I sat up and took my arms off of Harry, trying not to wake him. Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around me, with his eyes half open. "So, how long have you been up?" I asked sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

"Only a few minutes." Harry responded with a smile, this caused me to smile. "During the football match, we thought that we should do more cross field passes. Do you agree?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." I nodded and yawned. "But we should get up. And you have to leave soon." My last sentence caused Harry's smile to disappear.

"But I don't want to." Harry whined, not letting go of me. I smiled, knowing that I had already thought ahead.

"You can stay for a few hours, but then we have to record at five." I said and Harry's smile returned. "I'm gonna get something to eat. You should too." I took Harry's arms off of me, and stood up. Harry also got off of the couch and followed me through the hallway and into the kitchen. I looked through the fridge and the cupboards and finally found something to eat, it was pasta. I filled the pot with water and placed it on top of the cooker. I turned around and saw Harry looking out the window. I smiled and sighed, if only he knew how much I felt for him. Maybe there's a chance he feels the same about me, maybe I should tell him.

"Look who's finally up, it's Minishaw." Said a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw JJ standing in the doorway. I scowled at him, I didn't want to be known as Minishaw. I don't know how Harry feels, but I don't plan on keeping it that way, I need to find that out.

"Don't call him that." Harry said, he must have noticed my frustration. I smiled at him, and he returned it. JJ rolled his eyes.

"Okay I won't, sorry Simon. I only meant it in a friendly teasing way." JJ apologized, and I nodded.

"It's alright, I forgive you." I said, and JJ walked out of the kitchen. "What was that about?" I asked, Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"No idea. But it was weird."

"It was JJ." I responded, causing Harry to burst out laughing. I laughed along also. The water started to boil, and I poured in the pasta. Harry sat down at the breakfast bar (Is that what it's called, or is it an island... Idk) and turned on his phone.

"Hey, you still have to edit the Cards Against Humanity video, don't you?" Harry asked, I walked over and sat down next to him. He looked at me, there was still a bit of sleep in his eyes.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, a bit confused about why he would ask that. A smile crossed Harry's face.

"I want to help." Harry simply stated, his smile remaining. I smiled, I had a feeling that Harry had a plan for something, I just didn't know what he had in mind.

"Alright, but let's get the pasta in bowls first." I said and played with Harry's hair. I felt his face heat up, I smiled. "Are you blushing?" I teased, and Harry turned around, his face was beet red. I poked his right cheek, and Harry blushed even more. I looked over at the pasta, and it was done. I got a strainer and put it into the sink, I carefully poured the water and pasta into it. There was a bit of silence as Harry found two bowls and two forks, he put them on the counter. Once the pasta had finished straining, I got out a big spoon to scoop the pasta and scooped half of the pasta into each of the bowls. Harry grabbed his bowl and I grabbed mine and we walked up the stairs into my room.

•Harry's POV•

Both chairs were in the same spot as where they were from last night. I sat in the plain black one and Simon sat in his red and black chair. We both started to eat while Simon started up his computer. He clicked on his editing software and we started to get to work. "We don't need to keep that." I said, pointing at the computer during a long pause when JJ was picking a card.

"I agree." Said Simon, as he began to cut that part until three seconds before JJ chose. "Should we use music?" He asked, looking directly at me.

"It would be different to put in music, but I think that they would enjoy it." I assured him, and put a hand on his shoulder. Simon smiled, and searched up the music that he uses in his GTA videos. I smiled as the familiar tune started to play. Simon was concentrating on editing, I could see the amount of effort being poured into this video clearly on his face.

"What?" Simon asked, locking his eyes on mine, he must've seen me looking at him.

"You're so dedicated to them." I replied and smiled, Simon smiled as well. I finished my bowl of pasta and walked to the kitchen and put it in the sink. I was walking upstairs when I heard voices coming from Josh's room.

"Yeah, I agree." I overheard Josh say. "They probably just want to know how the other one feels."

"But, what if they don't tell each other?" Asked Vikk. "Will we have to tell them?"

"Probably." Stated JJ, without hesitation. I walked up the second flight of stairs and turned left and walked into Simon's room. Simon was still looking at the computer, editing the video.

"How close is it to being done?" I asked, causing Simon to turn around in his chair.

"I'd say, a bit more that half." Simon began, beaming with pride. "But you helped too, if you weren't helping, I would be about a quarter of the way done." I smiled, and I felt my cheeks get hot.

"Well, we should finish this video and start uploading it." I said, sitting down in the chair. I covered my face so that Simon wouldn't be able to see that I was blushing.

Timelapse to the end of editing

"And we're done!" Simon said, as he started to upload the video. I looked at the clock, it was 3:47pm, which meant that I had to leave.

"And I have to leave..." I said, whilst sighing in sadness. I hugged Simon, I blushed, but I didn't care. I walked to the second floor and shouted goodbye to the others. I went to the first floor and put on my sneakers. I walked out the front door, closing it tightly behind me. I walked to my car and started it. I was sad on my ride home, what if this was the only chance to find out how Simon feels? What if I screwed up? I blocked those thoughts and continued driving home.

A/N: 200 reads?!?! You guys rock! But unfortunately, the fast updates will start to slow down as I am busy and have school in less than a month. I will still try and update as much as I can.

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