First Date (part 1)

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•Simon's POV•

I got back home after recording and looked up when the next Football match would be and where it was. Turns out it was a Manchester United versus Leicester match, and it was happening tomorrow. There were still tickets left, so I bought two that were right next to each other. The seats were by one of the goals, but we would be able to see the whole pitch. I got my phone out of my pocket and called Harry. "Hey Si! Did you get tickets to a match?" He said, I smiled at the sound of his voice.

"Yes. The match is tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon at Old Trafford in Manchester I managed to get two tickets right next to each other by one of the goals." I explained, I knew that Harry would be grinning ear to ear in his flat.

"That's awesome Si! Thank you so much! Maybe after the game we could get Nandos? How does that sound?"

"I like that idea Boggy! And I'll pick you up at noon tomorrow, at your flat, so that we'll be on time for the match."

"Alright, I'll see you then Si! I love you!"

"I love you too Boggy! Bye."

"Bye Si." Harry said before hanging up. I sat down in my chair and started editing videos for tomorrow. Once the editing was done, I started to record some FIFA16, even though the game was dying out. I only recorded building a draft and playing one game, which I lost because I wasn't fully concentrated.

"And see ya!" I said right before turning off my face cam and screen capture. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, Vikk was standing in front of the microwave, waiting for some leftovers to heat up.

"So... When are you and Harry going to go on a date?" Vikk asked, taking the plate of food out of the microwave.

"Tomorrow, we're going to watch a Football match at Old Trafford. It's a Manchester United versus Leicester match." I explained, Vikk raised his eyebrows.

"Oh! Well, I'm sure you two will have a great time!"

"You think so Vikk?"

"Yes, you both clearly love each other, so the activity shouldn't matter much. What matters is that you two are on a date."

"Wow... That... Was a lot more meaningful than I thought... Thanks Vikk!" I opened the freezer and got a pizza, put it in the cooker and waited for it to cook. When it did, I put two slices on a plate and quickly ate them. I looked at the clock and gasped, it was already nearly midnight! I walked upstairs to my room, changed into my pajamas, turned off the light, and practically collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep immediately.

Timelapse to the morning

I woke up and changed into a plain red t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. I combed and styled my hair, ran down both flights of stairs and into the kitchen. I poured cereal and milk into a bowl and ate the whole bowl in just a few minutes. The clock read 10:35am, which meant I would have to leave soon. I ran back up the stairs, grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet, with the tickets inside of it and went to my car. I put on my glasses and started to drive to Harry's flat, thinking of how the day would go all the way there.

•Harry's POV•

It was around five til noon, and I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I shouted, rushing out of my room and opening the door. I saw Simon in the doorway, his tall, slender figure leaning against one of the sides of the door frame. He smiled when he saw me, and I returned his grin.

"Hi Boggy. We should go now if we want to catch the train." He said, and I nodded.

"Alright, I'll need to get my stuff first. Come in Si." I held the door open as Simon walked through the doorway. I lead him to my room and started to pack my things in a backpack. I quickly packed my phone, keys, and wallet in my bag and turned around. "Let's go!" I held his left hand as we walked to his car, I felt his ring on his pinky, it felt freezing cold in comparison to his hand. Simon opened the passenger side door and I sat down in the car. Simon closed the door and walked over to the drivers side, got in, put on his glasses and started to drive to the train station.

"The match is a Manchester United versus Leicester match. So I don't think we'll be rooting very strongly." Simon explain while adjusting his glasses, I nodded.

"Yeah, but I would rather not root than root against you." I replied and smiled. I saw his smile and sighed, his smile... I don't know how to explain it... It's just so... Uniquely stunning in the best way possible.

"Alright. I agree. And we need to hurry, so traffic, can you just... Not be here?" Simon road raged, I giggled. Simon's small rages were adorable, but his major rages could get a bit scary. We drove to the train station and got there just in time. "We need to hurry, the train leaves in, three minutes!" Simon panicked and took my hand as we started running. Luckily, we got on the train just in time.

"We'll be there on time, don't worry." I whispered to Simon, to calm him down. Simon nodded and yawned. "How late were you up Si?"

"Too late... After midnight..." Simon said, with his eyes half closed.

Timelapse to Old Trafford arrival

We walked into the stadium and to our seats. I looked around and saw that there weren't many people here yet, but then again, we were almost a half an hour early. Time passed quickly and before I knew it, the match was starting. But I didn't pay much attention, Simon and his handsome figure were distracting me. At half time, Simon turned to me, catching me staring at him. "Enjoying the view Boggy?" He teased, I blushed and nodded.

"Yeah definitely." I said and rested my head on his shoulder. Simon smiled, and kissed me on the cheek. "Now let's finish watching the match."

A/N: Incase you haven't noticed, updates are slowing down. I will try to update this story at least once a week. I hope you are enjoying the story so far! And if you have suggestions, please put them here.

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