Caring To Pranking (part 2)

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•Harry's POV•

I can't believe I just did that... On camera, oh dear, someone's gonna see that. Then the fandom will go crazy! Why did I do that? I was lost in thought as I carried the bags to Vikk's room. "You can place the eggs this time if you want to Harry." I turned around and saw Simon standing behind me, his face was a bit red too.

"I don't really care." I looked him in the eyes. "Are you feeling alright?" Saying this caused Simon's face to turn even more red. He looked down, he must've been a bit embarrassed.

"Yes, I'm fine. But I want you to place the eggs, I'll wrap the monitor." I nodded and helped Simon set up the tripod, and he placed the camera on top. I opened the first carton of eggs and started to place them all around the room. "Alright," I heard Simon say, he was facing the camera. "We're in Vikk's room now, and we're doing the same thing. I'm wrapping the things on Vikk's desk, and Harry" I waved at my mention, and I saw Simon smile. "is placing the eggs."

"Yeah, and after this, we get to do Josh's room!" I smiled and Simon did the same. I placed some of the eggs on the floor, a few on Vikk's bed, some in his shoes. And then I placed one on Vikk's mouse, which Simon wrapped. We got Vikk's room done a lot faster than JJ's room, since we knew what we were doing. Simon and I walked out of Vikk's room and started to tape clear wrap to the doorframe.

"Oh shit, wait, the camera!" Said Simon once we had taped down a few strips of clear wrap. Simon ducked under the clear wrap and into Vikk's room, he grabbed the tripod with the camera on top of it and handed it to me. Simon ducked again and walked out of Vikk's room. We finished taping clear wrap to the doorframe and walked to Josh's room. Simon set up the tripod and camera, then his phone buzzed. He looked at it. "Shiiit!" He exclaimed I turned around and looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked, Simon was still on his phone.

"Josh and Vikk are going to be back here in less than an hour. So we need to do this fast!" He explained, I nodded and began to place eggs around Josh's room. Once I was done with that, I ran over to the desk and helped Simon wrap everything. I found Josh's mask, so we wrapped that too. We did a pretty crappy job, but that didn't matter. Simon grabbed the tripod and I grabbed the now empty bags. The two of us ran out of the room and began to tape clear wrap to the doorframe. We finished that pretty quickly and ran upstairs to Simon's room to put away the tripod.

"Hey Simon! We're back!" Shouted someone from the first floor. I recognized that voice to be Vikk's.

"Hey Vikk! Hey Josh! How was your day?" Asked Simon casually, I was about to say something, then Simon motioned for me to be quiet. "They don't know you're here." He whispered to me, I nodded in understanding. "Stay here until I tell you, it will be a surprise for them." I nodded again and Simon went downstairs with his camera.

•Josh's POV•

I saw Simon walking down the second set of stairs with his camera, I thought that something was up. "I'm gonna go edit a video..." I said, still suspicious that Simon had done something.

"Oh I forgot something!" Simon said and bolted up the stairs. He turned around and turned on his camera. I walked up the stairs and turned left, past the bathroom, and looked into my room. Everything on my desk was wrapped in Christmas wrapping! I ran, but I hit something that I couldn't see. Simon started to laugh.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed and stuck out my hand. I realized that Simon had put clear wrap over my doorframe! "Asshole" I whispered as I started to tear down the clear wrap. Vikk walked up the stairs and also hit clear wrap. Simon turned around and pointed the camera at Vikk.

"What the hell was that???" Vikk shook his head in confusion and Simon started to laugh again. I finished tearing down the clear wrap and stepped into my room. I felt something break under my foot. I looked down and saw an egg. I looked around and saw more eggs everywhere, there were at least 3 dozen.

"How did you have the time to do this on your own??" I asked, Simon laughed.

"It wasn't just me," Simon said and he started to walk towards the stairs that lead to the third floor. He motioned and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Harry helped too!" Harry smiled and waved, and Simon put his arm around Harry's shoulders. This caused Harry to smile even more and his face turned a bit pinkish. Wait... Did Harry just blush?! No, no, I'm probably just imagining things...

"Why have you done this????" Shouted Vikk from his room. He walked to my doorway wearing his MineCraft creeper helmet. Vikk removed the helmet to reveal three cracked eggs on his head. This caused Simon and Harry to burst out into crazed laughter. I had to stop myself from laughing along with them.

"Don't worry, we've also done this to JJ's room." Said Harry, this made me feel a bit better. "And we all get to watch his reaction, which I think is going to be hilarious." Harry added, Simon's arm was still around his shoulders. I was confused, was this an act of friendship, or something more? Again, I'm just imagining things, or am I? I was jolted out of my thoughts by the main door opening.

"Sup bitches! I'm home!" Shouted JJ up the stairs. Harry and Simon grinned.

"Let's see his reaction." Simon said while turning the camera towards him and Harry. He then motioned for Vikk and I to come along also. JJ walked upstairs and into the hallway leading into his room. Simon walked ahead of the rest of us with Harry right behind him. Simon was holding the camera and was recording just as JJ practically ran into the clear wrap.

"What the fuck?!?!" Shouted JJ in frustration and anger. The four of us started to laugh. JJ tore down the clear wrap and turned the corner, but stepped on an egg as he did. "Shit!" He shouted again and looked at his foot where there was a squashed egg. JJ looked at his desk in horror. "Who the fuck did this?!?!" He shouted and turned around, all four of us were still laughing.

"It was Simon and Harry!" Said Vikk in between laughing fits. "They did it to our rooms too!" JJ turned to Harry and Simon.

"Harry, run, NOW!" Simon put his hand on Harry's shoulder and practically shoved him out of JJ's room. Harry bolted up the stairs and into Simon's room. Simon was still holding the camera, but quickly retreated up the stairs as well. I looked at JJ and Vikk, who were on two different levels of anger.

"We're getting them back right?" Asked Vikk, JJ and I nodded in agreement.

"Obviously." I responded, while leaving JJ's room to clean mine up, and to find all of the eggs.

A/N: I wanted to put in Josh's POV for some diversity. Next part will be out soon! Hope you enjoy this story!

You Could Say It's RealOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora