Caring To Pranking (part 1)

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•Simon's POV•

I woke up and all I saw was maroon. I pushed myself up, and realized that my face was on top of one of my pillows, and that my blanket was halfway off the bed. I checked my phone and saw that it was 10:48am. I jumped out of bed and quickly threw my blanket back onto the mattress. I changed into my red shirt with the words: You Are Here, on it, and a pair of jeans. I ran my fingers through my hair to make sure it wasn't too badly tangled. I realized that I wasn't feeling as bad as I was yesterday. But... I also didn't want to cancel on Harry. I picked up my phone and walked to the second floor and saw that JJ's door was open. I walked down to the first floor and into the kitchen. When I opened the fridge, my phone buzzed, it was a text from Josh.

Josh: Hey Simon, Vikk and I went on a mid-day Pokemon hunt with Ethan. We'll be back later, probably late tonight or early tomorrow.
Me: Okay, see you then.
(Read 11:02am)
Josh: Yup, bye

I turned off my phone, but just as I did, it buzzed again. This time it was a text from JJ.

JJ: Hey, had to work on a rap video with JME. Be back later tonight.
Me: Alright, see ya later.
(Read 11:02am)

I got out some cereal and milk and poured them into a bowl. I was careful not to use up all of the milk. I sat in silence while eating, it was kind of weird. Normally JJ is trying to rap, Vikk is mumbling something about MineCraft, and Josh is trying to come up with more things to do on his channel. But now, there's no noise what so ever. I ate my breakfast and put the bowl in the sink and checked the time, it was quarter past 11. I went back upstairs to my room and played a bit of Overwatch. I played a few games, and ended up getting the Play Of The Game as Winston. I looked at my phone, it was almost noon. And there was a text from Harry.

Harry: Hey Si! I'll be at your place in about fifteen minutes.
Me: Alright Harry, see you then!

I knew that he wouldn't be able to answer since he was driving. But I didn't want him to think I didn't care. I heard a knock on the front door, followed by a voice.

"Si! I'm here!" It was Harry. I raced down the stairs and jumped over the last few. I composed myself and opened the door. "Feeling better?" Harry tilted his head, his eyes were full of worry and concern.

"Yes, so I thought we could do something else. Since I don't have to lay on the sofa for hours."  I smiled and ushered Harry inside, making it a bit of an over done and dramatic gesture. Harry laughed and his eyes sparkled.

"Any ideas?"

"How about... A prank!" I began, Harry smirked when I mentioned a prank. His eyes shone with mischief and he began to think of ideas.

"But how would we do better than when you and Vikk wrapped JJ's room around Christmas time?" Harry asked, still deep in thought.

"Hmm... That was a good one..." Then I had an idea. "What if we put eggs everywhere. On the floor, chair, bed. And then put clear wrap on the door frame so they can't get into their room." Harry nodded, still smirking.

"I like that idea. To the store!" We got into Harry's car and he drove to the store. We ended up buying 12 dozen eggs to randomly place around their rooms, and 6 rolls of clear wrap.

•Harry's POV•

I pulled my car into the driveway of the Sidemen house and got out. Simon also got out and carried in two bags of eggs, while I got the remaining eggs and clear wrap. We entered the house and put down the bags. "Are you going to record this?" I asked and Simon nodded before rushing up the stairs, probably to get his camera. He came back down a few minutes later with a camera and a tripod.

"I say we get JJ's room done first, since he'll probably be home before the others. They're out catching Pokemon." I nodded in agreement and picked up the bags again. We walked up the stairs in silence and went into JJ's room. Simon set up the tripod as I was taking out the eggs. "We also still have some wrapping from last time if you think we should use it." Simon said, I liked that idea.

"Yeah! We could tape his monitors and key board, and everything else on his desk!" I smiled in an evil way, and Simon did the same. We started to laugh.

"Alright," Simon began his intro while looking at the camera. "So Harry came over today, and it turns out that JJ, Josh, and Vikk are all out of the house today. So we decided to prank them." Simon motioned for me to come closer to the camera, I did so.

"What we decided to do is put eggs in random places around their room, wrap the monitors, keyboard, mouse, and everything else on their desks in wrapping paper. And at the end, we'll put clear wrap over the entire doorway, so they'll walk into it." I explained, and when I was done, Simon and I started to work. I started wrapping the monitors and Simon placed the four dozen eggs around JJ's room. Simon was done pretty quickly and at that point, I was wrapping the third monitor.

"Here, I'll help." Simon grabbed a roll of wrapping paper and began to wrap the keyboard. I finished the monitor, and began to wrap JJ's controllers. We finished wrapping everything on JJ's desk pretty quickly, then I picked up the other bags and Simon picked up the camera and tripod. We went right outside JJ's room and began to tape the clear wrap to the doorway. As we were doing so, Simon put his hand on mine to tape some of the clear wrap down. My face flushed red and my cheeks grew hot. Shit... I hope Si doesn't notice this... If he does, I'm done.

"And that's JJ's room complete!" I said while Simon taped the last strip of clear wrap to the doorway. "One room done, two left!" We had spent around two hours working on JJ's room, so now it was after 2pm.

"Great! Let's get to work!" Simon said, but before he got up, I hugged him. "Wha... Okay." Was all Simon said before relaxing, I felt my face turn to a deeper red, but I didn't care. I let go of him and picked up the bags and walked towards Vikk's room.

A/N: Part 2 will be out soon! Thank you all so much for reading this story! I hope you enjoy reading it as much I as enjoy writing it!

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