The Party (part 2)

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•Simon's POV•

Harry was curled into a ball next to me, his arms wrapped around right above my waist, his head on my chest. I was resting my head on top of Harry's, my right arm was around his shoulders. He snuggled up closer and I kissed him on the top of his head. "Hey Si." Harry whispered into my ear. "What are we going to do after the movie?"

"Maybe we could film a football video? Or wander around London? How does that sound to you? It can still be part of the party if you want." I said, Harry nodded and smiled.

"Yeah I like that idea. But I don't have any of my football stuff, so I'd have to go back to my flat." I sighed sadly, I didn't want Harry to leave, but he was just going to get his football stuff soon. I paused the movie.

"What was that for Simon?" Cal shouted, I laughed at his anger.

"We haven't ordered pizza yet, so what does everyone want?" I asked. I quickly took everyone's orders and called the pizza place. "So the pizza will be here in a little less than an hour." I explained to the others who nodded. I started the movie again and Harry cuddled up on the couch beside me again.

Timelapse to the end of the movie

The end credits were about to play and I heard the doorbell ring. I grabbed my wallet and walked to the door. I paid the pizza guy the pounds for the food and he handed me the pizza. "Hey lads! Pizza's here!" I walked back to the living room and was immediately surrounded by the others.

"Uh, we need plates first." Tobi stated, we walked into the kitchen and fixed our plates. Harry and I stood next to each other in the kitchen, eating our pizza. Once Harry was done, he rested his head on my shoulder, this caused the others to sigh.

"How adorable." Josh said, Harry blushed yet again. I threw out my paper plate and went back over to where Harry was standing. I wrapped my arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Yeah, Harry blushing is really adorable." I kissed him on the cheek, causing him to turn even redder.

"Wow, I've never seen Harry blush this much." Commented Cal, he smiled.

"Yeah, seems like since you two became a couple, Harry's been blushing a lot more than usual." Callux agreed.

"Can we go Pokemon hunting? I have another ten K egg, and I want it to be a Snorlax!" Vikk suggested. "We can all go as a group!"

"I'm fine with that if you are Harry." I looked over at Harry, who nodded.

"Okay, we can even go to Nandos after!" Harry said and smiled.

"Everyone brought their phones right?" Josh asked, everyone else nodded. "Cool! Let's go!" We walked to the garage, I put on my glasses, which I need in order to drive. I was driving and Harry was next to me, Tobi and Cal were in the back. We had decided to meet at the London Eye, since it was where Minishaw had become real. I drive with my right hand and held Harry's hand with my left all the way there. We got there and met up with the others, almost everyone had brought a phone charger with them.

•Cal's POV•

"Hey guys, come over here." I motioned for Simon, Harry and Tobi to come to where I was standing. "Let's prank Vikk. We'll tell him that there was a Snorlax on the nearby and that it just despawned."

"No. That's so mean!" Tobi protested, I shook my head.

"You don't have to say anything, you just have to not reveal that it's a prank." Simon said, still holding Harry's hand.

"Fine, but I'm going to tell him after a few minutes." Tobi stated. I saw them car that Vikk was in, pull into the parking lot. I smirked, I had planned this out.

"Vikk!!!" I shouted. Vikk got out of the car with Josh, Callux, and Ethan. JJ had decided to drive his Lamborghini and arrived a couple seconds later.

"What?" Vikk said, after walking to where I was standing.

"There was a Snorlax on the nearby, it was far away and it just despawned!" I lied. Vikk's eyes grew wide.

"Are you serious?!" Vikk shouted back, I had to stop myself from laughing. I can't believe he's buying this!

"Yeah. But it was pretty far away, so we didn't try to catch it."

"Noooo that's the Pokemon I want the most!"



"I'm kidding, there wasn't a Snorlax." I laughed. Vikk looked angry. The others laughed a bit.

"Let's just go. Hopefully Vikk catches an actual Snorlax." JJ said while walking off, we followed. I started up the game, and as usual in London, Drowzees were everywhere.

"Well, this is shit. There's nothing good around here." Grumbled Simon, holding his phone in one hand, and Harry's hand in the other. "And I'm hungry."

"Guys, let's get something to eat." Harry said. None of us were opposed to the idea, even though we had just eaten a couple of hours ago. We walked to where we were going to eat and sat down. I was sitting in between Tobi and Ethan. We ordered our food and started talking.

"Hey, anyone have ideas for a football video? We'll have to film after we edit the GTA videos." Josh asked. I shook my head.

"Maybe another dizzy crossbar challenge? The last one that Ethan did a few months ago on his channel was a big hit!" Vikk stated, I nodded.

"That sounds like a good idea to me." I agreed.

"Let's have the GTA video edited by Tuesday instead of Sunday. You know, to give us more time to edit our individual videos." Simon said, specifically to the Sidemen, not to Callux and I.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Harry said, I looked over and Harry and Simon were holding hands. I smiled, I'm happy for them. But at the same time, there are definitely people who don't like the fact that they love each other.

"Alright, we'll film on Wednesday then. As long as that works with everyone." Josh concluded.

"Will Lewis, Manny, Deji, and JME come too?" Callux asked.

"If it works with them." I said, Tobi nodded.

Timelapse to end of meal

We walked out of the restaurant and headed back to the cars and drove back to the Sidemen house. When we got there, Callux and I took my car back to the flat, Harry took his car, and Ethan and Tobi drove in their cars to their flats. "Well that was fun." I said, Callux nodded.

"Yeah. But, their are probably some people who don't like the fact that Simon and Harry are a couple. I don't want to know the things they might say."

"Yeah, I don't want the hate to get to their heads. It could change them for the worst."

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