Chapter 8

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As we walked back to the ship I held the rag up to my face to stop the blood as much as possible but it wasn't really working. I guess the cut was longer than I thought and not just over my left eye. I would try to soak up all the blood over my eye but then my right cheek would start leaking blood everywhere so I would move the rag but then I had blood in my eye. It was just a mess.

By the time we got back the towel was soaked in blood. It was a long walk. We climbed up into the ship and was immediately bombarded by the other four asking us how it went. When they saw me they gasped and asked what happened. Annabeth and Leo pushed them out of the way and quickly led me down to sickbay leaving Percy alone to answer the questions. I sat down on a bed and Annabeth grabbed another towel and soaked it before taking my bloody one away.

"This is going to sting a little, just bare with me, okay?" Annabeth said holding the wet rag. I nodded and she gently dabbed my cut. My face twisted up in pain. It stung like crazy. I hadn't felt this much pain in a long time. "Wow, it's really long and deep," Annabeth noted while making her way across my face with her towel. She finished cleaning my wound and I hoped we were done for good but then she asked Leo for the Neosporin. I groaned as Leo handed it to her. I wasn't prepared for the amount of pain that came.

Annabeth lightly rubbed it in and I tried my best to stifle a yell but it didn't work. I whimpered as Annabeth continued down my face. Why did this cut have to be so long? "I know, I know," said Annabeth sympathetically. I was in excruciating pain before she finally stopped. "Alright well, we can't really wrap it or anything because of its location but eat a small piece of this," she said handing me a tiny piece of ambrosia, "and try not to touch it or do anything crazy. It should hopefully heal pretty fast. And I hate to tell you this but I think you're going to have a scar," Annabeth explained before walking out of the room. I frowned and made my way over to a mirror. It couldn't be that bad could it?

I was wrong. I looked in the mirror and gasped a little. I red line ran diagonally across my face starting just above my left eye, through my eyebrow, across the bridge of my nose and down my right cheek. It looked worse in some places than others. The cut across my eyebrow was pretty deep, across my nose was a little lighter, and across my cheek was much deeper than the rest. My cheek was still slightly bleeding and I wondered if I should put a bandage on just that part.

I lightly traced my finger across the cut. I was pretty upset that I had it. The fact that it was so long and going across my face sucked because it dragged so much attention. Leo walked up to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it, princesa, it looks fine. Plus, now you've got a cool battle scar," Leo smiled at me reassuringly. I smiled back weakly. I was thankful for Leo trying to make me feel better but I was still pretty bummed about having it. Plus, it still really hurt.

I shrugged and looked over at Leo, "Nothing I can do about it now. I'm stuck with this forever, might as well get used to it."

"Scars aren't that bad. Like I said they make you look tough and like you've bee through a lot," Leo said giving me a wink.

I looked at him curiously, "Do you have any scars?"

He got quiet and his face fell a little. "Yeah a couple," he said in a low voice.

"From where?" I asked letting my curiosity get the best of me. As soon as I said it I regretted it. That was personal information and I should've never tried to find that kind of thing out.

"A couple of different places. I have some from working on machines, some from monsters, some from really terrible foster homes," Leo said trying to pass it off as casual.

"Foster homes?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. Damn, I'm such an idiot. I should just stop talking.

"Yeah, after my mom died I was sent around to different foster homes and a couple had some really bad parents," he explained sadly. I understood what he meant, I didn't have the best step parents.

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