Chapter 5

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Leo's POV:

I was trying to fix a screw that had come loose on the engine late at night before I went out for my nightly watch. "Almost... got it!" I said happily finishing. I stuffed the screwdriver back into my tool belt and sat down for a minute to rest. I looked up at the clock and saw that I had about five minutes until my shift started. I might as well start going up there, there's really nothing else for me to do.

I closed the door to the engine room and walked quietly down the hall way, I knew Sarah was sleeping in Sick Bay. I was almost pass her door when I thought I heard a muffled scream. I quickly traced back and listened intently. I was about to shrug it off when I heard another scream. "Please, no!"

"Sarah?" I asked about to knock on the door. Another scream. "Sarah?" I asked nocking on the door. I was getting a little nervous.

The only response was a "Please, don't do this!" from inside.

"Sarah," I said knocking on the door harder. She could be in trouble or she could very well just be dreaming. Either way, she was scared and it wasn't fair to leave her there alone and screaming in a place she had just gotten to. Another scream. "Sarah!" I yelled more intently trying to open the door. Locked. I kept twisting the handle hoping it would magically open. Another scream.

"No! No! Don't do this! Please!" Sarah screamed from inside. I figured she was just dreaming, she had to be, but still, she sounded terrified. I desperately banged against the door hoping I would break it down. Oh, what was I doing? I really thought I could knock the door down with my scrawny build? I decided to do the next best thing. I pulled out some tools from my belt and picked the lock. I finally got it unlocked and swung the door open. "NO!" Sarah screamed sitting upright in her bed.

"Sarah, you okay?" I asked her but she didn't seem to hear me. She stared straight ahead, a wild look in her eyes and sweat beaded on her forehead. "Sarah. Sarah." I said trying to get her attention. She finally snapped out of it and looked at me. "Are you okay?" I asked switching on the light.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She looked slightly embarrassed at the fact that she was screaming so bad that I had heard her.

I walked over next to the bed and sat down in a chair. "Nightmare?"


I walked over to the door, "Night, Sarita," I said with a wink and closed the door behind me. As I walked up to the deck for my shift I thought about who Sarah's Godly parent could be. It was only fair that she knew. Everyone else knew their parent, and since we were out in Greece and all the Gods were fighting monsters, I wasn't sure she would be claimed. I ran over a list of things I knew about her in my mind. Let's see, archery, Greece, not good at building stuff, swords, music.

"Leo," I looked up to see Percy glaring at me angrily. "You're late for your shift."

"Yeah, sorry about that, I got caught up in the engine room trying to fix something," I lied.

"It's fine just try not to do it again. I'm so tired, I was falling asleep just standing here," Percy said tiredly.

I laughed. "Well, go to bed and get some sleep. I've got watching the ship," I said patting Percy on the back.

He sighed, "Alright, night Leo."

"Night, Fish Boy," I said as he walked back down to his cabin. I leaned against the railing. I was tired too, but you didnt see me complaining about it and getting mad at people for showing up to their shifts late. I was constantly going around the ship fixing things, steering the ship, getting parts, trying to make sure everything was working fine. Whatever, that didn't matter. I knew I would always be the seventh wheel, I knew that everyone would always take advantage of me, only see me when I'm needed. That's how it's always been and that's how it will always be. But just because I'm nearly invisible didn't mean I would stop helping out. I was going to keep working on the ship and staying up all day to make sure the ship was working well so that we are able to kick some Gaea butt. And if not for the world, then at least for my mom.

I stared at the water below and let my mind wander. There was still a lot I didn't know about Sarah, but there was a lot she didn't know about me either. There also seemed to be some stuff that she didn't know about herself. I hoped to fix one part of that. I had a good idea of who her dad just might be.

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