Capter 4

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The whole world shook around me. I looked down to find that I was standing on brown grass and wilted flowers. The earth seemed dead. Thunder rumbled and I looked up to see a red sky and black and grey clouds. The sky was on fire and the clouds were its ash and smoke. Lightening struck not far and more thunder rumbled. I knew I had get out of here.

I looked around but there was nothing but desolated earth for what seemed like miles. Still, I ran. I didn't know where I was running, I just hoped it was away from the oncoming storm. Lightning continued to strike behind me and the thunder shook the ground but I continued running. I looked up to see dark clouds moving in overhead. There was no escaping the storm.

I stopped to breathe and watch as it started to rain; except it wasn't normal rain. I stuck my hand out and a drop of red fell into my palm. I examined the rain closely. Blood. It was raining blood. The loud clap of thunder brought me back to life and I started running again.

I hurried along, unsure of where I was going. Around me the whole world stormed in a nightmarish way. It was like the world was ending, right here, right now. Thunder boomed over head and it started to rain harder. I stumbled along trying to keep my feet under me and jump over puddles of blood. As I ran I found a patch flowers laying on the ground, dead like everything else. Still, at least it meant the scenery was changing and I wasn't just running forever.

I looked up to see a black dot in the distance. As I got closer I realized it was a cave. Finally, something I can take cover in. That's when the screaming started. I blood curdling scream raised all around me. I covered my ears in a desperate attempt to block it out. I tripped on something and fell to the ground with a splash. I looked at my foot to find some plant wrapped around my ankle. I pulled desperately and finally got my foot untangled. I had to keep moving. I quickly got off the ground and continued running towards the cave which was slowly coming into view.

It was a downpour now and the wind swirled around me putting my hair in my face making it hard for me to see. Lightning struck closer and I was afraid that if I were out here for any longer I would turn into burnt dust. I looked around at the sights surrounding me. All Hell had broken loose.

I looked up to find the cave closer than ever. I was right there. The world screamed again and lightning stuck right next to me. I jumped to the side as the dirt flew up in the air. I was only feet away from the cave. I couldn't stop now. The screaming got louder still and lightning struck right behind me. I quickly dove into the cave and landed on the hard rock, just barely missing the strike.

I got up and looked outside the cave, the storm was still happening but it was silent. No more thunder, no more screaming, dead silence. I walked along the inside of the cave, every step echoing. It was dark and cold, but still better than outside. I reached what I thought was the end of the cave when the scene shifted around me.

I was now standing on a marble floor behind a wall. I peered out carefully behind it trying to make sense of what was going on. I saw two shadowy figures talking. "Two must not be killed. You must leave one boy and one girl for our Master," One of them said with a growl.

The other one sneered. "We can kill the rest though. There's still five more to have fun with."

I tried to look closer and see who was talking but it was too dark. Only a small portion of the room was light dimly with a small light hanging from the ceiling, and they stood in the shadowy part of the room. I lowered my breathing and tried to be as quiet as possible. How was I going to get out of here? The two figures continued talking about how exactly they were going to destroy the other five when one of them held a hand up for silence.

He stuck his nose in the air and sniffed. "I smell a demigod," He spoke with a smirk in his voice. His head turned to where I was hiding and I did my best to stifle my gasp. What was I going to do? I had no weapons, I had no where to run, I was doomed. I stayed behind my wall trying to stay as covered up as possible. "Come here little demigod," He said as if I were a dog and he was going to give me a treat. I stayed where I was at trying not to breathe too hard. "I said, come here!" He shouted running over to where I was at and grabbing me by the hair, yanking me to the ground. I screamed in pain and fear and fell to the floor.

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