Chapter 1

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All translations will be at the bottom in bold.


I leaned over the fountain to look at my reflection. My curly, dirty blonde hair stuck up in all directions as if it hadn't been washed in a week- which it hadn't. I reached in the fountain and got my hands wet and attempted to pat down my hair. It kind of worked. I then splashed water on my face to try and rub the dirt off. The dirt slowly came off revealing my splash of freckles. I looked up to find a couple of people staring at me weirdly. I really needed to find a more isolated fountain to wash off at.

I slung my quiver over my shoulder and walked off to scavenge some food. I walked behind a pizza restaurant and started digging through the dumpster. Disgusting, I know, but I didn't have much of a choice. I usually get some leftovers that aren't good to sell anymore from the local market but it was Tuesday and the guy who gives them to me wasn't working today so I was left to fend for myself.

I managed to find a bag of unopened chips some ungrateful person had thrown away. Oh well, them throwing it away helped me. I walked back over to the fountain and started eating my lunch for the day. I had learned to live off of small amounts of food. Once I finished I took of my quiver and started taking inventory. One bow, six arrows, and a double edged sword. I frowned, I would have to steal some more arrows soon, I was almost out.

I had stolen my bow many years ago from a sporting goods store that was going out of business. I also stole some arrows but those went quick. I try to reuse my arrows as much as possible but eventually they break so I'm forced to steal them slowly from different stores so no one catches me. I had found my sword years ago when I had run underground trying to get away from a monster. One side was silver and the other was some kind of bronze. It was a good sword but I preferred to use my bow.

I sat on the fountain watching the people walk by. This was how I usually passed the time. It also made my people reading skills better. I'm usually able to tell if someone is lying right away. I watched as an old guy stood up on his cane and hobbled across the street. It was just a normal day of locals walking around and doing errands and tourists snapping pictures of every corner. Then I heard something a little out of the ordinary.

"'Ve a buscar un poco de metal' los dicen. 'Arreglar esto', los dicen."

Spanish. That was a language I usually didn't hear. I still knew it by heart though. I looked over to try and figure out where it was coming from. My eyes finally rested on a short boy with curly black hair and pointed features.

"Ellos no se preocupan por mí. Apenas me habla," he mumbled to himself. "Es sólo, 'Leo solucionar este problema.' 'Leo hacer eso.' No dormir durante una semana, no se dan cuenta? No. Morir de hambre a mí mismo y trabajar día y noche, qué les importa? No. Ni siquiera consigo un gracias."

I eyed the boy as he walked down the street playing with what looked like some machine parts. He looked about my age. I furrowed my brow. It was strange to see a hispanic here, especially one so young walking by himself. I shrugged it off, I had more important things to worry about, like what I was going to eat for dinner or when I was going to be able to take another shower. I was starting to smell.

I usually become friends with a nice person who's parents aren't going to be home for a while and ask them if I could use their shower. I never really stayed around with them for a while. Lately my longest friendship was about 3 weeks. I never dared to go more than that. I had learned years ago what can happen when you stick in one place for too long. I'm almost always on the move and I was starting to worry that I would eventually run out of people's showers to use and would have to start repeating.

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