Chapter 3

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We stopped in the beginning of the hall way in front of two doors. Leo decided to go into the one on the right first. "So, here's the kitchen," he said opening the door and waving to the inside of the room. It was a nice sized kitchen and, as far as I could tell, had just about everything you needed to live. I stared longingly at the fridge wondering what was inside. Leo must have seen me staring. He laughed at my look, "Are you hungry?"

"Am I ever," I said still trying to imagine what precious foods might be in there.

"You want something to eat?" he asked me.

I finally tore my eyes from the fridge and looked at him. "Yes, please," I said and followed him inside towards the fridge. Leo opened the fridge and revealed mounds of food. I think my mouth started watering.

"What do you want?" Leo asked looking back at me.

There was so much food, I was too overwhelmed. There was no way I was going to decide what I wanted. It all looked so good. "Anything," I breathed helplessly.

Leo laughed and handed me a box of tacos. "These are my favorite," he grinned. I didn't even bother heating them up, I just took a bite. I grinned happily at this amazing taste. I hadn't had tacos in so long, I had forgotten how good they where. Leo looked at me suspiciously, "When was the last time you ate?"

"Well," I said with a mouth full of taco, "before I passed out I had a bag of chips for lunch."

"And before that?"

I thought for a minute. "A small plate of almost wrotten fish the day before," I finally said.

"That's it?" he asked incredibly. "Do your parents not feed you?" I knew he meant it as a joke but I still flinched at his words. He noticed. "Oh. Sorry. My bad, I shouldn't have said anything-"

"It's fine, you didn't know," I cut him off. He was quiet as I finished two more tacos. "Thanks for the food," I said giving him a smile and putting the rest back in the fridge.

He grinned at me. "No problem. So, wanna see the rest of the ship?"

I nodded, "Lead the way, Captain."

Leo grinned. "Captain. I like that." Uh-oh. I might have just fed his ego too much. We walked across the hall to another room. "This is the Mess Hall," he said as he walked in. I followed behind him and saw a big room with a table and chairs neatly set up around. Sitting at a couple of the chairs were some of the people I had seen earlier when fighting the monster. "Hey, guys what's up?"

The three kids looked up bored, "Hey, Leo," they said. Then their eyes shifted to me as the noticed me standing behind Leo. "You must be Sarah," said the boy with sea green eyes.

"Hi," I waved awkwardly.

"Sarah, this is Percy," He said waving to the boy who had spoken. Let's be real, he was beautiful. "This is Annabeth," he said motioning to a girl with messy blonde hair and steely gray eyes. Forget what I said about Piper having intimidating eyes; this girl was downright scary. "And this is Frank," he said jabbing at a less impressive boy. I realized that this was the same boy who was shooting arrows next to me during the attack.

"Hi," I said again, unsure of what to do.

"Right," Leo said noticing the tension, "You can chat them up later, right now, let's continue the tour." He walked out of the room and I managed to croak out a bye before following him out.

I waited until we got a little further down the hall and out of ear range. "Annabeth is scary," I whispered to Leo.

Leo chuckled. "Just a bit. Don't worry though she'll warm up to you eventually if you give it time. She's not much of a people person." I nodded and Leo continued being a tour guide. "So, to the left we have Coach Hedge's cabin. The satyr," he said answering my puzzling look. "to the right is Frank's cabin." We continued down the hall and he pointed at each cabin, "Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Percy, and Hazel; she's probably in there but I don't want to wake her u- oh, never mind," he said as the girl I saw on the horse walked out of her cabin.

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