"Alright well Kendall it is, sorry Shay." Ellen says and the audience laughs.

The picture turns and the audience cheers as a picture of Justin Bieber comes on.

"Kendall Jenner or Ju-" Ellen stops when gets cut off by Y/n.

"I'm gay as fuck, sorry Juju." Y/n says calmly which causes Ellen's eyes to pop out of her head.

"Kendall it is!" Ellen announces and the screen changes once again. "Mila Kunis or Kendall Jenner?" She asks Y/n.

"Mila Kunis by far." Y/n pauses as the audience cheers. "She makes the best cookies." She says which Ellen nods her head to.

"Always a good trait to have." Ellen says as the pictures change. "The next one is me or Mika Kunis." She asks being fake surprised.

Y/n gasps. "I mean obviously you." The singer says which Ellen quickly agrees to as the pictures change for the final time.

"Final two, me or Fifth Harmony." Ellen says and the crowd erupts in cheers and some of them 'ooh'.

Y/n internally cringed at the name of the five girls then she frowns. "Ellen, you should've ended with a harder one. It's obviously me." She says while flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"You aren't an option." Ellen laughs while  shaking her head.

"I'm always an option." Y/n says which the crowd laughs to.

Ellen glares at the girl, being fake angry that the singer didn't choose her.

"What? You have to marry yourself before you can marry or love anyone else." Y/n says with a shrug as the pictures change and an image of her own face pops up on the screen.

"Wow." Ellen says being a little surprised at the smart words that came out of the singers mouth. "That was deep."

Y/n just smiles in response. What she just said was a saying that her Grandfather used to say to her, that was until he passed away a few years ago.

"We're going to move on." Ellen announces. "I see that you've been in the studio lately, anything that we should be looking forward to?" The interviewer asks Y/n.

Y/n nods her head. "Yes, but I can't share anymore details until we get closer." She says and Ellen understandingly nods.

"Closer to what?" Ellen asks as a follow up question.

"Closer to the release date, duh." Y/n says like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which makes a few people laugh.

Ellen nods her head. "So how are the dogs?" She asks.

Y/n smiles. "They're great but annoying at some points, I love them all so much." She says which Ellen nods her head to.

"I met one of your dogs, Toulouse, right?" Ellen asks the singer.

Y/n nods her head. "Yes, I forget when but you attacked him with kisses and he never looked at you the same." She says which the audience laughs to.

"Well, I think that's a good note to close on. It's been fun having you here, Y/n." Ellen says which Y/n smiles to.

"Thank you for having me." Y/n says politely.

"Next up, we have Blake Shelton so stay tuned." Ellen says and a few moments later a mans voice signals us that we're clear.

The two women stand up from their chairs as Jen walks over to Y/n. "Let's go, kid, we're in a rush." Jen says while grabbing Y/ns wrist.

"Oh yeah, bye Ellen! See you soon." Y/n says as she gets dragged off stage.

"Call me if you need anything!" Ellen calls after Y/n.

Y/n nods her head before turning around and hurriedly walking away with Jen. "Why are we in a rush?" She asks her manager.

"Some guy is trying to flirt with me and I want out." Jen says while opening a large door for the both of them.

Y/n laughs and nods in understanding as the two of them get into the large car. Jen closes the door behind them and their journey back home begins.

I'm re-publishing this because I didn't like the interview hehe. I'll post the next chapter later this week :)


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