"Awwww." Cooed Nevaeh and Gage. Ebony just shook her head.

"Oh shut up. My players aren't allowed to drink. If they sneak and do it I can't do anything about it, but I'm not going to just let her break the rules." Raya explained and Ebony seemed to understand, but Nevaeh and Gage just made displeasing faces at the woman.

"Girl, we're all staying here tonight. No one is driving. What's the worst thing that could happen?" Nevaeh asked and I decided to respond.

"I don't drink anyway. Not because of the rules, but because I just don't. I never have and I don't plan on it." I said earning a frown from Nevaeh. Of course.

"Oh, so you got you a good girl huh? Okay, we can still play, but we'll let Ray Ray's girl drink juice or something." The woman suggested and I felt so juvenile. I just never saw the thrill in getting drunk. I want to have complete control over my mind and actions at all times.

"We'll eat first and then play your stupid games." Ebony said speaking to Nevaeh.

"My games aren't stupid. You're just mad that you always lose." The woman countered and Ebony flipped the woman off.

"She only loses because she can't hang. And you know they say champagne gets you drunk faster so you might as well prepare yourself for the hangover because those are worse too." Gage said laughing at Ebony along with Nevaeh.

"Whatever. I'm not losing tonight." Ebony said waving the two women off and sitting on one of the couches in the living room. Nevaeh hopped her short butt onto the other couch like she owned the damn thing. She kicked off her shoes and took up the entire couch, laying on her stomach, and resting her chin in the palms of her hands.

"Why do you always do that?" Gage said frowning and joining Ebony on the couch which left the love seat available.

"Because she doesn't have any goddamn manners." Raya said standing awkwardly beside me.

I didn't want things being awkward at all tonight so I just sat on the floor.

"Aww she's so sweet." Nevaeh praised as Raya took the love seat.

"If only you were the same." Raya mumbled and Nevaeh just shrugged. I wonder how long they've been friends.

"We can watch a movie or something until the pizza get's here." Raya said opening Netflix.

I don't know why I thought tonight was going to be extra sophisticated or something. They act like teenagers pretty much.

"No, I want to talk to Raquel." Nevaeh said smirking at me. "You can't just introduce us to your girlfriend and expect us not to interrogate her."

"Leave her alone Nevaeh. You don't have to answer any of her questions. They won't be serious anyway." Ebony said looking at me apologetically.

"No, it's cool. I don't mind answering any questions." I said shrugging. I wanted to have fun with this and I felt like Nevaeh would give me an opportunity to embarrass Raya. How could I pass that up?

"See. This is why I like her." Nevaeh said actually sitting up.

"Nevaeh, don't ask her anything stupid." Raya said looking like she didn't want the woman asking me anything. We hadn't prepared for this.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now