No More Worrying

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After taking a nap the day went pretty fast.

right now I am about to leave the police station. well not about too... They haven't let Tyler out yet so I am not leaving till they let him out.

"Miss you can't stay here. You can wait in your car or in the waiting area but not right here." A police told me.

"I'll wait in the waiting area but I am not leaving till Tyler is out." I said

"Well I'll see what the process is just wait over there in the waiting area please." he said

I nodded and headed over to the waiting area. I took out my phone and go a text from an unknown number saying

-You might have killed the boss but you still have me to be afraid of.


oh fudge.

"Miss Tyler should be out soon they are just asking him more questions." The Police said.

"thank you and uh i have something i need to show you." I said

"What is it?"

i got up and showed him the text.

"May I take your phone to show the head sheriff?" he asked

"yeah" i said.

he left with my phone and i sat down i shouldn't be afraid in the police station. after a while the police i was talking to and some other guys one must be the main sheriff came up to me.

"Hello my name is Sheriff Conner, I am the main sheriff I have a few questions." he said


"when did you get that text?" 

"I didn't look at the time i just turned on my phone and that message popped up" 

"I won't be able to track it because its from an unknown number but do you think you might know who it is?"

"well to be honest I think the guy is Jimmy Estrada. He was my ex and he was helping Mitch. but I am not sure." i said

Sheriff Conner nodded while writing something down. "okay miss here is your phone back if you get another message please call me here is my card. I'll let you know if that Jimmy guy is the guy, as of now please be careful" handing me his business card.

i nodded and they left. soon after that Tyler came back.

"what was the about?" Tyler asked.

"I got a text message so i should them" i said

"what did it say"

i took out my phone and showed him.

he looked mad

"Tyler don't worry I will be fine I have the cops looking at Jimmy because he was helping him." i said

"I swear if Jimmy gets close I'll beat him up" 

"no Tyler we are going to play it cool. see how he reacts if he seems like he is it call the police. the only time I'll be okay to fight him is if he starts something" i said

"fine" he said and we left.



I hoped you liked it.

DAY 25


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