Movie Night

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"Are you ready to go to the movie?" Tyler said.

"Yes what are we watching?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

I rolled my eyes grabbed my stuff and we headed to the park.

"Lady's and Gentlemen we are here today to watch 'The Notebook' nows your time to lay out your blankets and get things settled there's a bar over there by the restrooms. Food and drinks will be sold over there by that tree with the lights. Anything else you need to know just ask anyone in a yellow vest. Enjoy" the announcer said.

"Tyler I forgot about a blanket."

"Don't worry I brought one why don't find a place and set the blanket down while I get drinks and food. What would you like?" Tyler asked.

"I'll take a Dr. Pepper and a cheeseburger" I said.

He smiled and walked off.

I walked around trying to find a great place. I finally found one. I laid down the blanket and sat down.

I decided to text Tyler to tell him where I was so he doesn't have to much trouble.

Is it weird I never saw the notebook. I never had time. I hope I'm safe here. I hope I don't run into Jimmy because he might tell Mitch where I am. So far I seen him every time I went somewhere like he's been following me. If that's the case then....

"Scream and I kill him run and I'll also kill him" Mitch said holding a gun to Tyler's side trying to keep the gun in hiding.

"Please don't hurt him. He has nothing to do with this. I'll go with you just don't hurt him." I said.

"Flower no don't I rather die then you have to deal with him" Tyler said.

I ignored him "Mitch please I promise I won't run or anything I'll go with you willingly if you let me talk to Tyler. I give you my word if you see me run kill me not Tyler. But I won't run" I said.

Mitch looked at me then nodded. He let go of Tyler and walked away enough to still see me but not close enough to hear.

"Tyler what ever you say don't I have a tracking device on my phone and there's a tablet in my purse to tell you were I am going get to it get your friends if they won't get the cops. And save me. Be my hero. I trust you. " I whispered just in case he can hear.

"Flower please he will kill you." He looked sad.

"No he won't not right away" I said.

He hugged me "flower I lo..."

"No don't say it it's not a good bye I'll see you again I have faith in you." I said.

"Please be safe" He said.

"I will I promise now it's time for me to go I was actually wanting to watch this movie I never seen it." I said.

"Well we can watch when we get you." He said smirking.

"We better!" And I walked away back to Mitch.

Mitch smiled and told me to follow him so I did.



I hope you enjoyed this next chapter will be Tyler P.O.V.

DAY 22

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