Love Hurts

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I woke up from someone pounding on the door. I got up walked over to the door or cracked it open.

"What do you want Tyler?" I asked.

"I wanted to see if you are alright can I come in?" He said looking very concerned.

I opened the door more and let him in. He walked over to the bed and patted the spot next to him. I walked over and sat next to him. He put his hand on my back and started to rub it.

"So flower what happened yesterday?" He asked.

"Nothing just ran into someone who I planned on never seeing again." I tried to hind all emotion I had.

"Flower I can tell it wasn't nothing. You seem like a tough girl so if you were crying it has to be something. Who is this someone I can go beat them up." He said trying to joke.

I chuckled "No thank you though and it's just someone from my past that hurt me." I said.

He was looking around and he grabbed something from the night stand.  Oh fudge I forgot about the paper. I saw him reading it.

"So I now know your name is Tori and let me guess This guy was your ex he did something to you and he still loves you." He said now sounding kinda mad.

"Yes my name is Tori or Victoria. And yes he cheated on me. He told me why yesterday and told me to call him. He was my first love. I loved him. It was hard seeing him. But I am over him." trying to sound convincing.

"I don't think you're over him if you were crying. Tell me do you still love him?" He asked.

"I don't love him anymore I still have some feelings deep down but what he did to me hurt me tore me apart. I never want to see or hear from him again I was gonna tear up the paper and throw it away." Meaning everything I said.

"Well no more crying my beautiful flower." He said rubbing my back.

"You know my name why continue calling me flower?" I asked.

"Because flower fits you you are beautiful and still blooming you have a life waiting for you to blossom. You will always be my flower. Your name is a name your mother and father gives you but you are and will always be my flower." He said smirking.

I pushed him "your dumb"

"Well let my dumb self take you on a date." He said smirking again.

"Fine I need to get out and do something. But first." I got up grabbed the paper torn it up and threw it away.

"I'm gonna take a shower you can stay in this room or go to your room" I said.

"I need a shower too let's shower together!" He winked.

"yeah!" I said.

"Really?" Raising his eyebrows.

"No if you need a shower shower in your own room." I said laughing.

"You're no fun." He said.

I stuck my tongue out at him and closed the door.


I hoped you enjoyed that.

DAY 16

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