Back to School (28)

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***Alex's P.O.V.***

I awoke next to Draco who was snoring next to me. I sat up and stared at the bright blue orb of light that floated in his room. It took the form of a weasel.

"The family is safe. Don't send anything back. ANYTHING. Your things will be shortly transported to Malfoy Manor. I love you, darling," my father's voice said. My eyes welled with tears and I nudged Draco. He looked at me and I threw my arms around him.

"My family is safe," I told him.

"I told you," he said, softly chuckling in my ear. I heard a whooshing sound and my things landed right next to my side of the bed. 

"Might as well make yourself at home, but in my bedroom. You are going to be living here until everything is safe," Draco said. I spent a long time unpacking. I placed some of my books on one of Draco's bedside tables. I put my clothes in Draco's closet, which only consist of some storage. My bright clothes really looked weird in his black closet. I changed into a dark green v-neck and a pair of distressed denim shorts. We went downstairs for breakfast. Draco cooked us some egg sandwiches. Footsteps came from the steps and I saw a man with shoulder length white-blonde hair pull out his wand. Draco quickly Disapparated in front of him, blocking his view from me.

"It's fine, Father. This is Alex. She needed a place to stay," Draco said, stepping aside and I looked into the gray blue eyes of Lucius Malfoy.

"M-mr. Malfoy. Hello, nice to meet you," I stammered.

"Ah, Alex. Draco has told me all about you," he said, walking towards me. He slowly stuck out his hand and I shook it. 

"Well, we're going now," Draco said, and he grabbed my arm. Together, we Disapparated to his room. 

"What was that about?"

"Well, I didn't want it to get awkward. I think the only reason my father likes you is your blood. I just didn't want it to be awkward. But don't worry, we are out of here in nine days," he said.

"What do you mean 'we're out of here in nine days?'" I said, my voice getting higher.

"Hogwarts!" Draco said. 

"Oh, right. I forgot about Hogwarts," I said quietly, mentally face palming. Draco held my face in his hands and pressed his lips against mine. I placed my hands behind his head and an unexpected tear rolled down my cheek. Draco pulled away and stared me down with his gray eyes. 

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

"Just everything going on. It is just overwhelming," I explained softly. He nodded and pulled me close, nuzzling his face in my neck. I rested my head on his shoulder. 


I grabbed my trunk and headed outside with Draco. We Disapparated to the outside of King's Cross Station. We got onto the train with Neville, Crabbe and Goyle. Death Eaters came on the train.

"Hey, losers. He's not here," Neville said, standing up. They scowled and left. 

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