The Intrusion (7)

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***Alex's P.O.V.***

After our lips parted, I looked over Draco's shoulder and found Ron staring at us with his jaw dropped and Harry was behind him, looking surprised. I felt on the verge of tears, I had enough of Ron's behavior. 

"How come everytime I am with Draco, you flip out?" I almost yelled. 

"Because I don't like this guy. He is a Slytherin and his family is terrible and they are followers of You-Know-Who! Malfoys are bad news! I don't appreciate you snogging him!" I jumped in front of Draco so he wouldn't hit Ron and gasped at what he said. 

"What do you care what house he is in? And maybe he isn't like his family. Draco even told me that I helped bring out the good in him! Why do you care so much?" I felt Draco nuzzle his face in my neck. 

"Because you are practically my sister and I love you and-"

"If you really loved me, you would want me to be happy. And Draco makes me so happy!" After Ron said nothing, I stormed away to my dorm, sobbing. 

"Alex, wait!" I heard Draco and Ron say. I shook my head, still crying. 

Once Hermione got back and saw me sobbing, she asked me to explain what happened, and I did.

***Ron's P.O.V.***

I watched Alex walk away and mentally cursed at myself. How could I be so stupid? Malfoy looked back at Harry and I and showed a look of disgust. 

"Seriously? Don't be so hard on her next time, please," he said. I gaped at his use of the word "please." He never even said that. Except maybe when he was begging his parents for Galleons. I glared at Malfoy and he walked back to the Slytherin common room.

"What did I do?" I asked Harry. 

"Well, you just annoyed your sister terribly," he said. I slammed the wall with my fist. 

"I-made-such-a big-mistake!" I yelled in between punches. Harry lead the way to the Gryffindor common room. I was still fuming by the time I laid down in bed. 

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