The Question (5)

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***Alex's P.O.V.***

I was sitting on my bed, reading another Muggle classic when a male eagle owl tapped on my window with a talon. I opened it and he flew in, with a bouquet of roses and parchment tied to its leg. I quickly shut the window so snow wouldn't come in. I took the roses and gawked at them. I loved them so much! I put them in a vase, and unrolled the parchment.

Dear Alex,

As you already know, the Yule ball is next week and I do not already have a date. Pansy Parkinson already asked me, but I turned her down, having another girl in mind. You! So I was wondering.... Would you like to come to the ball with me?

Your friend,


I touched my hand to my heart and my eyes watered. He is so sweet! I grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote my answer.

Dear Draco,

I would absolutely love to go to the ball with a guy like you! The flowers are such a sweet gesture! I love them so much! Thank you lots!

Love your friend,


I rolled up the parchment and tied it to the owl's leg and sent him off. Hermione walked in not too long after that and I saw her eyes travel to the roses.

"Ooh, who gave you those?" she asked. I couldn't fight the blush and told her it was no one. "Ohhh-kayyy!" she said rolling her eyes. Not too long afterwards, the eagle owl returned. I untied the parchment.


That's great! I will be standing outside the common room that night about 5 minutes before the ball starts. I will meet you there and escort you. I hope I will make that night one of the best ones yet for you. Can't wait! See you in Potions in two days!


I smiled and Hermione took the parchment from me. My smile instantly wiped off as she scanned Draco's letter. Her jaw dropped.

"Draco asked you to the ball?! I told you he liked you!" she said. I took the letter back from her and smiled. I quickly made the decision not to tell Ron. 

In exactly one week...

Always || ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ