His Birthday (26)

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***Alex's P.O.V.***

It was June 5th. The last day of school and Draco's birthday. No classes today which meant I could spend the day with Draco. After breakfast, Draco grabbed my hand and spun me around, making me laugh.

"Happy birthday!" I said, throwing my arms around him. 

"Thanks! Take a walk with me," he insisted. 

"I have to change first," I said looking down at my uniform, a skirt and sweater. He nodded slowly and I ran to my dorm. I threw on a loose white tee shirt, a pair of shorts, some sandals, and Draco's flannel tied around my waist. I walked down the steps excited and stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a voice.

"Oi! Hello, Lex!" I spun around and saw Neville smiling. I greeted him and wrapped him in a hug. When we were done talking, I climbed out the portrait hole and almost ran into Draco.

"Whoa! Calm down," he said soothingly.

"Sorry I took so long. I ran into Neville so I just said hi and we talked for a bit," I told him. He stuck out his arm and I looped mine through it. We walked outside and stopped right outside of the Forbidden Forest. I heard Draco hold his breath and I saw what he was looking at, the thestrals. I guess he could see them because he had witnessed Dumbledore's death. I calmed him down and we sat by the Black Lake. Draco pulled out his wand and twirled it a bit. A rose grew from his wand and many more came out. He placed the rose flower crown on my head and smiled, pushing back a piece of hair.

"Blimey," he whispered. I blushed and looked at my lap where our hands rested. I rubbed circles with my thumb on the back of Draco's hand. I picked my head up and saw him smiling widely at me. 

"What?" I asked him, smiling myself.

"I love you so much, Alexandra," he whispered. I mentally flinched at the use of my full name since I have not been called by it for a while. I stuck a hand behind his head and kissed him firmly. He kissed back, causing me to lie down on my back. He softly nibbled my bottom lip and pulled away. Draco flashed me his signature smirk. He raised his wand and water erupted from his wand. It was freezing cold, causing me to shiver and gasp. He started laughing and I glared at him, which made him stop. I lifted my wand out of sight and thought, Aguamenti. Water squirted from my wand and drenched Draco. He glared at me and got up. I slowly stood up, causing him to scoop me up. 

"Draco, I'm sorry! I was just trying to get even!" I screamed even though I couldn't stop laughing. He smirked but put me down. 

"Orchideous," he muttered. Flowers came from his wand tip and he handed them to me.

"Their beautiful, Draco," I said, kissing him on the cheek. Draco placed his hands on my hips and started spinning me around. He stopped and dipped me, bringing his face a centimeter away from mine. He kissed me slowly and pulled away. 

"Let's get you inside so you can dry off," he whispered, running a hand through my drenched hair. He put me upright and grabbed on to my hand. We walked in the castle.

"Why are you two soaking wet?" a voice said from behind us. We turned and saw Professor McGonagall.

"Well, Draco used Aguamenti on me, so I used it back," I told her. She raised an eyebrow and walked away. I am hoping she becomes the new headmistress because she would be great. Draco led me to the Fat Lady and pecked my cheek. I walked to my dorm and changed back into my uniform. I used my wand to air dry my thigh length hair and I put it in a high ponytail. When it was lunch time, I walked to the Great Hall and took my seat in between Ginny and Hermione. Warm hands covered my eyes.

"Draco, what are you doing over here?" I said and the hands were removed.

"Well, it's the last day and my birthday. I was given permission to sit with you," he said. Ginny scooted over and Draco thanked her, sitting down between us. 

"Just don't cover me in water again," I said, earning a chuckle from him.

"What?" Ron said.

"Long story short, I used Aguamenti non-verbally, and she did it back, causing both of us to be soaking wet," Draco explained. Ron nodded his head, digging in to his chicken. Harry was quiet, ever since Dumbledore's fall. I knew how close he was to him. Professor McGonagall stepped up to the podium Dumbledore once stood at.

"Another year at Hogwarts has come and gone. We did lose a life, not too long ago. He was a wonderful man. Wise, truthful, and always kind. He was a great headmaster, some say he was the best at Hogwarts. Let us have a moment of silence for Professor Albus Dumbledore," she said. The Great Hall was full of people, their heads bowed, thinking about their headmaster. Although he hesitated, Draco bowed his head too. After five minutes, McGonagall continued.

"Thank you for another year at Hogwarts, even though it was complicated. May you all have a wonderful summer holiday. We are eager to see you next year. Also, happy birthday to Draco Malfoy. Enjoy your lunch. Afterwards, gather your belongings and head to the Hogwarts Express."

I continued to eat my chicken and saw Draco looking at his plate. I grabbed his hand and he looked at me, his eyes clouded with what looked like guilt and sorrow.

"What's wrong?" I whispered. 

"Well, it's just with being a you-know-what. I feel guilty for Dumbledore's death and I feel like everyone hates me because of what I am," he muttered, looking at his lap.

"Draco. Not everyone hates you. My family, Crabbe and Goyle don't hate you. Then there's me, who loves you to death. And you are not guilty for his death. You didn't even kill him. I know that you are pressured and that you just want to make your family proud because I know you fear of disappointing them," I told him in a soft voice. Draco looked in my eyes, his grey ones full of mixed emotions. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it softly.

"Thank you, Alex, really. It's just really exhausting," he said, turning back around to eat his food. I rested my head on his shoulder. After an hour, we boarded the Hogwarts Express, going all the way back home.

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