Part 22

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Blood has stained the wooden panelling that covered the floor, joining the several drink spillages that had painted the floor over time and the fight didn’t show any sign of coming to an end. No one had stepped forward to stop them, everyone remained pinned to the wall in fear of the action taking place before them. Shrieks from the bystanders formed the background music to the fight. It was literally like watching a fight scene seen in a movie. Even the situation mimicked the storyline, two men fighting it out over a young girl. Amy suddenly snapped back into reality as she realised that she was that girl. She never thought this happened in real life, something that remained fiction but here is was right before her. It was clear to her what she had to do next, she looked around the room noticing that no one seemed to have the courage to do this for her, it was her responsibility.

After a deep breath in she ran into the warzone screaming with tears pouring down her cheeks “Stop! Please stop!” over and over again attempting to grab Jay’s arms and pull him away but his strength physically and mentally overpowered hers meaning as quickly as she made some progress he just returned back. He was so determined to hurt him so much to make up to the amount he had hurt Amy over such a long period of time despite how much damage is caused to himself. As long as George got what he deserved he didn’t care about himself. But finally after several attempts they both rolled onto their backs, breathing heavily, struggling to catch their breath, blood pouring from large gashes that covered each of their faces.

Abruptly George leapt to his feet at the sound of ear piercing sirens echoing through the small, prestigious cobbled streets of Whitby. Once he had stabled himself and overcome the dizziness the alcohol had caused him he slowly began to turn 360 degrees looking at each one of the bystanders frightened faces in turn. He could not cost another visit to the police station, he had had so many warnings and this could hold bad things for him. A life sentence. A death sentence even. He already had too much on his criminal record and couldn’t afford another addition. He shouted at the top of his voice breaking the silence that had dawned on the room, a serious look taking hold of him, “Who called the cops, I’ll kill you!” He caught the terrified eye of a waiter and began to stomp angrily over to him thrusting his finger in his face, accusing him of carrying out this move, “hum…was it you?” Immediately the waiter began to back away, shaking his head in response, too scared to form words. Eventually he met the wall and George grabbed him by his trembling shoulders and pinned him up against it. Shouting torturous things at him until someone owned up to it. Amy cringed at every word he spat in the innocence faces reminding her of the world she thought she had escaped. All the gruesome memories flooding back into the forefront of her mind overpowering any healing that had taken place in the two years she had had free from George. She threw her hands over her ears and fell to her knees, curling up in a tight ball in attempt to drown out the torturous words she once had shouted in her face wishing she could just be swallowed up by the Earth. Taken away from the harshness of reality, the harshness that was her life, harshness that she couldn’t escape even with how hard she tried.

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