Part 20

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On a humid summers evening Jay and Amy were strolling, hand in hand through the busy cobbled streets of Whitby. Amy in an aqua coloured maxi dress and a pair of brown tinted sunglasses that complimented the look, while Jay wore a black suit and tie and the ray bans The Wanted were known for. Jay had a beautiful evening planned, a meal at an elegant restaurant. Followed by a stroll down the beach while watching the sunset across the horizon, the clear waves lapping against the shore being the only sound they could hear for miles and finishing off the evening with a film of Amy’s choice. Film nights were a pastime they used to love to do but Jay’s career and George had meant spare time were something of a stranger to them. By slipping this into his nights plans he knew this day wouldn’t be forgotten, he knew how much Amy missed the old times mainly from the repetitive reminders he would get from her most evenings. He kept these plans a secret, avoiding giving Amy any clues as to where they were going, all she knew was that Jay had a big night planned. She had to give him credit he was a good secret keeper, even under the pressure of her continuous “Can you just tell me please?”, “Should I be scared?”, “Pretty please with a cherry on top?” Jay still kept all clues hidden away, not even a hint from his facial expression either, how did he do it?

Then Jay, with a grin on his face said humorously “Okay you can stop with your pestering now we are here” gesturing to the small, quaint restaurant named “Ditto Restaurant” that stood before them. He watched as a smile spread across her face, seeing her smile was all he wanted. It had been a long time since she had been this happy and he was glad to able to help for once and not just stand and watch her torture herself with panic and worry that once ate away at her.

“Thank you Jay, you really didn’t have to! I have heard such great things about this restaurant and now I finally get to try it and with someone special to me!” She exclaimed running into his caring arm and after placing a soft kiss on the lips. She felt his hard grip encase her, she really couldn’t get tired of hugging Jay. If it is was possible she would remain there forever, his arms drowned out the crowd and she felt safe and loved. Two things she never thought she would be able to capture in her lifetime.

Jay placed his hand around her waist and began to guide her into the restaurant and to the table for two in the window, overlooking the sea. “He must have been planning this night for days!” thought Amy the smile that was still painted on her face slowly growing bigger and bigger, her cheeks beginning to ache.

But the time seemed to pass so quickly that it felt like the beautiful meal had come to a close as quickly as it has begun. Obviously time does fly when you are having fun. But in Jay’s eyes this was just the beginning of the evening, there was still lots for Amy to look forward to but she didn’t know this yet. However little did he know what drama awaited them cutting his special evening short...

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