Part 7

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Many jokes were passed, until Amy finally picked up her guitar and started playing “I Found You”, and silence fell upon the room, so quiet that a pin drop could be heard, as the 5 boys recognised to softly strummed chord pattern. Before Amy, realised it, Nathan began to sing his first verse in his incredibly big voice, with his Gloucester accent lingering and before they knew it they all broke into song. The three girls had been dreaming of this moment, where the boys invited 5 girls on stage to accompany them to sing “Heart Vacancy”, but never imagined this to happen to them, and in the comfort of their own home. They were living the dream. A never ending dream.

Nathan’s middle eight was coming up so Nathan pulled Kate onto her feet and crouched down on one knee; not losing his eye contact with Kate’s and began to belt out his vocals. A rich sound filled the room and coloured any greyness that existed in the small cottage. Kate couldn’t help but notice how the sun reflected off his emerald green eyes, glistening like a diamond and how the warming sensation poured out of them and entered hers. It was an amazing feeling that she didn’t want to bring to an end; so she locked her eyes to his. Then unexpectedly Nathan pulled out a golden chain from his pocket. It was a beautiful necklace, it had two small letters on it, an “N” and a “K” engraved onto a small golden heart that hung from the chain.

Unfortunately his middle eight eventually came to a close and the other boys joined in for the chorus, while this was taking place Nathan rose from his knee and delicately placed the necklace round her neck. Kate picked up the necklace and examined it closely. A smile spread across her face and she kissed Nathan on the lips passionately before enthusiastically saying “Thank you so much! I love it!”

“No problem. As you know, I have to travel a lot with work so I didn’t want you to forget, that even though I am not with you all the time, I am always thinking of you and that I love you so much!” Nathan said in reply, looking straight into Kate’s eyes and pulling her in for a long cuddle.

“I love you too” Said Kate into his ear, returning the hug. Sparks were flying in many directions as the couple confessed their love for one another.

Amy strummed the final chord and everyone in the room cheered for a successful rendition of their single. Each of the boys walked up to Amy and congratulated her on instrumental performance, “When did you learn to do that?” Jay enquired, with a surprised expression on his face.

“Don’t look so surprised Bird!” Amy said jokily, Jay smirked in return, “I may not be famous like you guys, but you can have a hidden talent, and this is mine”. Amy grinned at Jay and gave him a friendly hug before retiring to her room to put her guitar away. Jay’s grin began to slowly disappear; he really liked Amy, but she didn’t seem to have the same feelings, whenever he tried to tell her how he felt she either didn’t notice or had to go and do something. He was beginning to lose hope for anything between them. Then everything became certain.

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