Part 3

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In that moment everything changed, the atmosphere lost these feelings and astonishment and shock filled the room. The Wanted had entered and the fangirling began. Amy, Kate and Milly all looked at each other with a cheerful and stunned stare, beaming with happiness. It was as if Kate had turned to stone as she was as still as a statue staring into Nathans eyes with admiration. Nathan was also as still as a statue it was as if he were attempting to copy her reaction mockingly but it was real, he was really stunned by what stood before him. Seconds later Nathan finally broke from his still posture and the boys walked forward to welcome their guests.

“Hello girls, you look amazing tonight! Love your outfits!” Greeted Max giving Amy, Milly and Kate a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The others followed in his footsteps repeating what Max had just demonstrated, having small conversations as they past, with each of the girls. During the first half an hour Nathan remained completely silent. Stunned. Astonished. Finally, he picked up the courage to speak to Kate, a large grin across his face.

“Hey, you alright? Cannot believe how gorgeous you are tonight, I’m stunned” Nathan began blushing. He moved forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a big hug.

“Thank you, that means so much! I cannot believe I am actually standing before you, it’s amazing I’m so glad to have this opportunity, thank you!” Kate replied at a fast pace, her nerves beginning to show. Nathan began to laugh, sending Kate blushing, putting her head in her hands in embarrassment. “Shut up Kate” she thought.

“It’s a pleasure! Calm yourself Kate, just think of me as one of your mates” Comforted Nathan, he placed his arm around Kate’s neck and Kate took hold of his hand intertwining her fingers between his. Kate was beginning to feel calmer now; it felt like she had known him for ages, from her childhood or even earlier.

An hour had past and Kate and Nathan had not stopped talking. Then unexpectedly the question that changed Kate’s life made its appearance. Nathan removed his arm from around Kate’s neck and took her hand in his instead, looking deeply into her emerald green eyes. This action Nathan just made caused Kate to feel self-conscious and many questions shot through her mind, what have I done wrong? “I cannot have done anything wrong I haven’t said anything offensive or rude, have I?” thought Kate. Do I smell? “I can’t I had a shower before I came”. Then came the actual answer to all these questions.

“Kate, I know it is rather soon but within the first glance of you I knew what I wanted. You’re very beautiful, stunning, good-looking… I could go on but we have to be on stage in an hour. Anyway…” He paused, chuckling and thinking over what he was going to say. “I was wondering whether you would like to go to dinner with me this weekend” He continued to stare longingly into Kate’s eyes, waiting for Kate’s reaction and answer, hoping it would be positive.

Kate couldn’t believe her ears had he really just asked that question, from all the people that could have asked this and it was Nathan, the most amazing person in the world. “WOW! OH…MY…GOODNESS! Are my ears betraying me?” Kate thought to herself. “Right, now for the answer, what am I going to say? Urm… come on Kate. How I am going to say this without sounding like an obsessive fan?” Nathan was beginning to worry that Kate’s reaction would be negative as she had been silent for a long time, had he startle her? Had he asked too soon? Many questions rolled around in his head. But soon enough relief finally shot through him like a bullet from a gun when Kate began to speak,

“Nathan I would love to” and she leant in for a large, meaningful hug and a kiss on the cheek. Kate sat in Nathans arms, a large grin spread across her face; she couldn’t believe what had just happened. This had to be the best day of her life, it couldn’t get any better.

But all of a sudden she was mistaken. Nathan gracefully began to close the space between himself and her, always keeping his sea green coloured eyes that sparked like a million emerald jewels in the sunlight in contact with Kate’s. It was like a dance, his concentration and movements were always on point, Kate began to move in synchronisation with him, towards him. She had already guessed where this action was going. Gracefully their lips collided and sparks began to fly, Nathan pressed lightly down on Kate’s and Kate copied in reply, improvising as she went along. Shivers of joy and excitement shot down Kate’s spine. Nathan brushed his fingers through Kate’s soft hair, twisting his fingers around loose strands gently.

A minute later, Nathan pulled away still staring into Kate’s contented green eyes, wishing he could look into them forever. Never blink again. Kate couldn’t believe what had just happened, if felt so surreal and it happened so quickly. If only it could have lasted forever.

Sadly all these bright happy colours of joy and happiness merged together into the colours of reality.

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