Part 11

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When Jay and Max had returned to the house, everyone had congregated outside for a snowball fight. Laughter could be heard for miles as it echoed across the white blanketed moors. Everyone seemed to have ganged up on Milly and Kate, who were now covered in small glistening snowflakes. So Max and Jay both, craftily produced a snowball the size of a football each and sneaked up behind Nathan and Tom, who seemed to be throwing the most, and on the count of three threw the snowballs right in their faces. That did it, the next minute Milly, Kate and Siva had joined in and before you knew it Tom and Nathan looked like snowmen. All they needed was a carrot nose and you had two perfectly formed snow figurines. Everyone burst out laughing; the atmosphere was filled with joy and excitement. Milly and Kate didn’t think their lives could get any better! However, little did they know that Amy was lying in hospital, unconscious.

Nathan offered to cook the dinner for a change, he cooked Chicken Stir-Fry, a meal he had cooked for his family many times before and tasted divine. Kate offered to help, seeing it as time to spend with her boyfriend, alone. “Nath? You do realise that I can’t actually cook Stir Fry, right?” confessed Kate, with a grin on her face as she watched Nathan run around the kitchen frantically preparing several different things at once.

“Well then I will show you…come here” replied Nathan, ushering her over to him. Nathan placed her hands in his and delicately began to guide her hands as they cut the chicken into strips. This had lasted for a few seconds until Nathan eventually forgot about the meal, distracted by Kate’s beauty and began to kiss her neck. He gently caressed her neck with his soft tender lips. Sparks ricocheted in many directions, as the chemistry between the couple began to get stronger. He pulled Kate in close, looking deeply into her eyes before leaning in for a kiss. It felt as if the present had come to a halt, like they had stopped time from passing by; it was just the two of them with no worries or commitments to take care of. They had all the time in the world to spend together. They were living in a love story. An everlasting, never ending dream.

Suddenly Milly snapped back into the present, the smile of content that was originally across her face had been replaced by horror and concern. “Kate?” asked Milly, with a fearful undertone revealing in her voice.

“Yeah Milly?” answered Kate, now reflecting Milly’s concern. A frown now coloured her expression as she contemplated what Milly could be worried about. But nothing prepared her for what Milly was about to say.

“Where is Amy? I thought she was just going out for lunch and it has been almost 12 hours since we saw her last?” confessed Milly slowly, fighting with the lump in her throat. She began to fumble around in her pocket for her mobile to check for any form of contact from Amy. Nothing. Where could she have got to? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Were just some of the many questions running around in their heads. No one mentioned a word. Silence. Both Milly and Kate were busy thinking about where Amy could be and what the scenarios could be for her disappearance.

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