Part 16

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After what felt like hours in the unyielding room Amy finally began to explain in a more coherent voice but it was cracking in places as she tried to work around the lump that was growing bigger and harder to control. “Well let’s just say…no…um…I have been…” She desperately wanted to tell Jay, her best friend everything but the same threatening line that George continually said to her was rattling around in her mind. She didn’t know what to do…should she tell him? He wouldn’t say anything to anyone if she told him not to would he? No. The answer didn’t require thought, it was obvious. George wasn’t here at the moment, he hadn’t seemed to bother to come and visit her. His girlfriend. That just said it all.

Jay could sense the pain she was under while trying to explain all of his unanswered questions that he had floating around in his mind since he first met Amy.

Back when he first met Amy. Now that was a while ago, at the meet and greet her and her friends had won for their concert. He could remember how he had gone over to her to give her a hug and a kiss, something he did when he met all his fans and the experience was considerably different to any other occasion. Instead of her hugging him back tightly, not wanting to let go, saying “I love you so much!” in his ear, something most fans did she just hunched up her shoulder and accepted the hug. She looked uncomfortable and this made him wonder what had happened recently or over a long period of time. Abuse. Rape. Death threats. Any of these harsh happenings could be ripping her up from the inside out and he couldn’t do anything to prevent it. He tried to put these thoughts to the back of his mind and enjoy meeting them. It was only one day and he shouldn’t ruin it by bringing up emotional scenarios. But he didn’t realise what their future held.

Yet even when the concert and the meet and greet came to a close, Jay still couldn’t remove the same questions and worries from his mind. They continued to weave throughout all his thoughts until the present day. “Amy…I know there is something you have been holding inside for a long time. What happened? You know you can trust me” Jay questioned looking Amy deeply in the eyes in attempt to dig out the torturous thoughts that haunted her and caused her so much pain.

Amy knew that he was completely right and began to speak. But before she could even get one word out she broke down into tears, “I just can’t. He won’t let me” She abruptly stopped and slapped her hand across her mouth. She had said too much. “I am definitely dead now” she thought.

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