Part 9

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Amy had just arrived at the pub with George, when his friends drunkenly waddled to the car to open her door for her. “Hello beautiful!” said one of them, known as Kyle, with a grin on his face before pulling her out of the car.

“Leave her alone, Kyle” said George, chuckling along with him. He placed his arm around Amy’s waist and guides her into the pub, while the others followed slowly behind holding onto each other for support. Amy glanced back at them and caught Kyle’s eye who was staring at her, watching her every move. She turned back and cuddled closer to George for protection.

In the pub, Amy was beginning to tire of just watching George and his friends getting drunk and decided to retire to the bathroom for some space for a while. She stumbled into a cramped cubicle using her hands to guide her way as the tears filled her eyes making it difficult to see clearly and fell to the cold tiled floor. She threw her head in her hands, allowing the tears to fall so George could not see her true feelings deep down. The bathroom was so silent that all that could be heard was the roaring music that was playing in the bar. She was forced to listen to the words, making her feel even worse that before she had come in causing the tears to pour even harder. She had no way of getting out of this affair that he enjoyed to partake every other night. She had to live it from the beginning to the end otherwise it affected the very near future for her. She couldn’t believe she was stuck in this mess!

After a while, Amy thought it was best she return to them, before they began to wonder where she was. As she pulled the door open, prepared to be welcomed to the stench of alcohol, she was startled to find Kyle leaning up again the wall on the opposite side of the corridor, that same grin pinned upon his face, looking at her in the weird, disturbing way he always did. By now he was completely whacked so he slowly stumbled over to Amy, the smell of alcohol radiating off him. “Hey beautiful, how are you?” He slurred, forcefully pulling Amy in for a hug.

Amy wrestled with his arms to release herself from his grasp, shouting, “Let go of me!” and “Get off!” This just made Kyle more agitated and he trapped her against the wall preventing her from moving. He then leant in for a kiss, but before he touched her lips, Amy was just free enough to lift up her fist and punch him right in the face. This took Kyle by surprise and the alcohol meant that he was not in full control of his actions so before he knew it, he punched her really hard in the chest, winding her, before leaving the scene hastily. Amy fell straight to the floor, gasping for air. Then suddenly her vision went blurry before all the colours merged together into blackness.

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