Part 19

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Early the next day Amy was released from hospital and returned to the company of her own home. However even though it had been a while since George had seen Amy he couldn’t help but worry that he would pay an unnecessary visit and begin on his next dosage of abuse having been postponed for a couple of days so he refused to leave her side until this concern eased off. But days turned into weeks and yet George didn’t make an appearance. As this time was passing Jay watched as this no show and his protection and love was slowly transforming her into a completely different person. All the insecurity and fear of another beating from George had begun to turn into confidence and happiness. Milly and Kate would continuously remind Jay when there was a rare minute alone that she was beginning to convert back into the high school girl they remembered, 3 years ago before George had made an appearance in her life. The absence of George in Amy’s life was making Jay into a stronger person and gradually removing any concerns from his mind.

Eventually Jay and Amy had turned into a must be couple yet Amy still hadn’t ruled out George making a reappearance, she knew him too well and knew that he wouldn’t just let a vulnerable, helpless girl like herself slip through his fingers so easily. She felt she was obliged to tell Jay about these concerns knowing trust and honesty were the keys to any strong relationship. She stressed the idea about staying out of the press and hiding from the paparazzi until she was sure he had fled. She knew that this was a big thing to ask considering he was always in the spotlight and attending interviews with the boys but they could at least try for the times being and that is why she loved Jay so much. Even though he knew it was going to be very difficult challenge and he knew what he was getting himself into he was prepared to put in all his effort to pull it off because all he cared about was Amy and her protection, he wouldn’t let her enter that cruel and unpleasant world again.

Two years had past of hiding from the press and still George had not paid a visit. The nervous feeling that engulfed her every morning when she woke up, worrying about what the day could hold was gradually easing off. Until they were beginning to rule out his reappearance and dispose of any worries about him for good and just enjoy their time together when the feared and dreaded day finally arrived. The hell was about to begin and little did she know about the amount of pain and torment that was attached to his arrival.

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