Part 6

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Tom had sneaked away surreptitiously without anyone noticing and quietly tiptoed up the stairs after he became aware that Milly was not with the others in the living room. He followed the sounds of shuffling and the banging of doors to the room that Milly was frantically running around to quickly clean and make herself presentable. Tom quietly lent against the door watching her run around crazily, entertained like it was a comedy on TV. Without being able to stop himself, he chuckled a low, concealed laugh. Milly froze in place, she could notice this laugh from miles away but she could not be sure so she stayed frozen; she would wait until he spoke to be sure. Then he began to speak, and in his deep Bolton accent he said “Having fun there?” and now she was sure this was most definitely Tom Parker. She could not believe it, Tom Parker was in her bedroom, he left all of his friends to come for her.

“Am I dreaming?” She thought. Milly slowly swirled round so that she was facing him, his beautiful face lit up with humour. The blood in her face rushed to the surface sending her into a blush, but a smile still seemed to creep across her face “OMG I have just be running around frantically in front of Tom, crap!” She thought, continuing to smile to cover up the embarrassment she felt right now as best she could.

“Don’t worry! I have only just got here, you friends finally opened the door, we were stood it the freezing cold and they just stood there laughing at you…actually it was quite funny I have to admit!” He chuckled, slowly getting closer and closer to her as he spoke. “I’m sorry” he added once he noticed Milly frown at Tom’s thought. He laughed again the amazing sound that erupted from his throat reflected off all the walls filling the room with the gorgeous sound.

“Am I in heaven?” Milly thought as Tom placed her hand in his. It felt so muscular and soft, she didn’t want to let go, she could leave her hand there forever. Tom then began to guide her downstairs to join the rest in the living room, which by now had a more laid back vibe and the conversation was still going. Tom sat down next to Nathan, who had his arm around Kate, caressing her cheek with his finger, and lovingly invited Milly to sit on his lap. Well he didn’t have to ask twice before Milly leapt upon Tom, laughing shyly. Laughter erupted in the room causing Milly to blush and snuggle up against Tom’s chest to cover her embarrassment.

“Stop laughing at me” Said Milly shyly into Tom’s chest. Tom smirked and placed his arm around her, pulling her close. He began to twirl his fingers around small strands of her hair and then kissed the top of her head. Milly automatically looked up and looked straight into his dark brown eyes, had he really just kissed her? Out of all the girls in the world, had he really picked her, could this be happening? All these questions were shooting through her mind like gunfire; she couldn’t believe what had just happened. A broad smile spread across her face as she acknowledged that this was really happening to her. He gave her a smile in return and pulled her back into an embrace. While this confrontation was taking place, neither Milly nor Tom realised that everyone in the room was watching them. Jay had even taken to the floor in front of them, pretending to eat popcorn and be mesmerised to the couple like in a film. Everyone was laughing at Jay under their breath as to not disturb the two love birds.

Finally after a considerable amount of sniggering, Tom and Milly had fallen back into reality and realised that they had an audience. They both went red from the humiliation and shared the same thought “We aren’t going to see the end of this”.

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