14. "Are you drunk?"

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Kaylee's POV

I was sitting in my last class of the day, leaned back in my chair and looking at the teacher. I had forgotten how much work it was to rush from one side of the school to the other.

"Alright, we have twenty more minutes of this class. Since this is the beginning of our new semester I want you all to choose four people to go around the room and meet. This is english class, there will be a lot of talking so I want everyone to feel comfortable" Our teacher, Mrs. Ray said.

"I am giving you five minutes each to get to know that person. Time starts... now" She said, the timer on her laptop now facing us as we all stood up from our chairs.

"Please get to know me" I heard Allison say, me giggling and making my way over to the desk sitting in front of her. "Is your first day back everything you've dreamt of?" She asked.

"And more" I said jokingly.

Our laughter got cut short when a tall brown haired boy walked up. He sat down in the desk in the row beside me, looking over with a bright smile.

"I have seen you two together all day, so how about you get to know someone you're not best friends with" He said, me raising my eyebrows slightly and giving him a small smile. "Hayes" He smiled, reaching out his hands for me to shake.

"Kaylee" I said, placing my hand in his and shaking it before bringing it back to my lap. "Hey Allison" He smiled at her. "Hi Hayes" She giggled before continuing "What are you doing over here? That guy over there seems lonely" She joked, pointing secretly at a young guy on the other side of the class.

"Well, I have never seen you here before" He said, turning his attention towards me.

"I got taken out at the beginning of the school year and was homeschooled for a few months" I said. "That makes sense, I moved here two months ago" He nodded. I knew everyone here, even the underclass. Most of the people that are in my classes welcomed me back with open arms and were excited for me to be back, he was the first person that didn't know me.

"We only have three more minutes to get to know each other, so how about you take this and get to know me later" He said, extending his arm and holding out a piece of paper. I peaked over at Allison who had her eyebrows raised, before moving my eyes back to him and taking it out of his hands.

"I have a boyfriend" I smiled, him shrugging slightly. "I just want to be best friends too. You both have been giggling all day and I want in on the jokes and secrets" He said.

I giggled softly while folding up the piece of paper that had his name and number on it, stuffing it in the side of my bag.

I knew me and Jason hadn't made it official by him asking me to be his girlfriend, but I was more than taken. If anyone stared at me too long Jason was going to be snapping their necks.

"We will think about it" I said. "Yeah, we don't let very many people in our group" Allison said, me shaking my head and crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned back.

"I'm sure I can convince you both to let me in" He winked, me shrugging slightly as I pursed my lips. "Guess you'll have to wait and see" I whispered before smiling.

"Alright class, time to switch" Mrs. Ray said loud enough for everyone to hear her. We all stood up, Hayes shooting me a wink as he walked off, me turning my head towards Allison. "He's got a lot of nerve" I said, her nodding.

"Just wait until he sees Jason parked out front, that ego of his will get knocked all the way down" She said, us both giggling as I nodded in agreement before going out separate ways.

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