7. Date

181 8 1

Jason's POV

    "You're off until six tomorrow morning. That is when we will be leaving so I'm going to need you to be ready. Until then, do whatever you'd like just don't get too messed up because we need you to be there on this mission" John said. "What about Kaylee? I don't need to watch over her?" I asked, but before he could answer, the sound of high heels echoed throughout the house.

I turned my head to see Kaylee in a skintight red dress, walking closer to us as she put her hoop earrings in. I turned my head back to John with my eyebrows raised in shock. He let out a small chuckle while standing up and grabbing his wallet out of his pocket, handing her some money.

"Thank you dad" She smiled as I stood up out of my seat. "You're welcome sweetie, please be careful and call any of us if you need anything" He said, me walking out and leaving them to talk.

I made my way into the kitchen, looking through the cabinets and the refrigerator for something to eat. By now, we had normally already had dinner as a group but I'm guessing everyone has plans tonight or is busy.

I heard Johns door shut and the sound of Kaylees heels hitting the floor coming closer to me. I turned my head and see her walking through the living room and towards the kitchen to get her keys.

"Where you going?" I asked as I propped myself up against the counter, putting one leg over the other. "I am going on a date" she said, my eyebrows coming together while crossing my arms over my chest.

"On a date? With who?" I asked, her giggling and walking towards the key holder that is screwed to the wall. "His name is Bryant, I met him two or three weeks ago and he finally asked me to go on a date with him" she said as she put her keys in her pocketbook and turned towards me.

I let my eyes scan her body to see that she looked sexy. The dress hugged every curve and made

The doorbell went off, Kaylee turning and walking towards the door. "Has your dad met him?" I asked, her nodding her head while opening the door. "Bye Jason" She said, walking out and shutting the door behind her.

I turned back towards Johns office, swinging to door open. He looked up from his paperwork and placed his pen down, propping his elbows up on the table.

"Yes?" He asked, me pointing towards the door with my mouth open a tad, trying to speak. "Have you met this Bryant dude?" I asked, him chuckling while nodding his head. "Yes Jason, if I hadn't met him, she wouldn't be going out with him tonight without anyone with them" He said, my blood starting to boil.

I turned and walked out of the room, walking up the stairs to my bedroom and changing into some blue jeans with a flannel. I grabbed my car keys, walking down the stairs and towards the door.

"Where are you going?" John asked as he walked through the house. "Out" I said, opening the door. "Jason, if you're jealous about Kaylee going out because you have some type of feelings for her, then you-" he started but I cut him off "I don't have feelings for her" I said, walking out of the door and slamming it shut.

I got into my car, driving down the road towards the club that we go to often for celebratory drinks after completing a mission. I've been here a few other times by myself, but only when I'm desperate to no end.

I pulled up into the parking lot, it almost being slammed packed. I turned my car off and got out, walking into the building and seeing the lights starting to dim as a couple dancers walked out onto the stage.

I walked over to the bar, ordering a shot of liquor. My finger tapping against the countertop as I waited impatiently. I heard music start to play, my head starting to turn towards the stage until a blonde haired girl caught my eyes. I started to walk up to her, thinking it was Kaylee, until she turned around to talk to her friend.

My Bosses Daughter    (Jason McCann)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat