13. The truth

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Jason's POV

    I walked into my room with the towel wrapped around my waist, my hair still dripping from the shower, me running my hand through it a couple times while making my way to my closet.

We had workouts early this morning and have a meeting in ten minutes. We were supposed to be getting a shipment of product in today, Kaylee and Cameron left early this morning so they missed the workouts.

I offered to go with them, but John wouldn't allow it because he said he needed me here to help Alex learn how to be quicker. It pissed him off when his own father said that, but I ended up actually helping him and he ended up thanking me for it.

Once I had got some clothes on, I made my way down the stairs and to the meeting room where John sat going through papers.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as I sat down in my chair. There was no voices outside of this room that made me think anyone else was coming, so I'm assuming he needed to speak with me.

"Just me and you right now but, I needed the papers from down here so we are doing it in here" he said, me nodding and looking over at the many papers scattered all around the table. "We will be starting the morning meeting once everyone gets back though so don't go too far once we are done here".

"Starting next Monday, Kaylee will be going back to school. I know this will be a lot of work but I will need you to take her bad get her every day" He said. I shrugged slightly while saying "Okay".

"That's not a lot of work. I will do my workouts an hour earlier, take her to school and be back in time for the meeting" I said, him raising his head from the paper and nodding. "I'm glad you've agreed to let her go back" I said, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"You knew she wanted to go back?" He asked. "Uh" I said, scratching the back of my head while looking up at him "Yeah. She told me she wanted to go back months ago" I finished.

"Hmm" He hummed as he nodded, looking back down at the papers. He started grabbing paper piece by piece before sitting them in front of me. I looked down at the papers, spreading them apart and reading them.

"These are the descriptions of all of the men that have shown up to her school over the past four years. Most won't attempt to kidnap her again, but the stupid ones will" He said, me chuckling slightly while continuing to read.

Black hat, Black sunglasses, Black hoodie. He is 5'9 or 5'10 and works for Martin (small M on hoodie). Was waiting by the lockers.

That was me. I needed to tell both him and Kaylee, but I needed him to know the truth.

"They won't know she's there for a couple weeks and she only has four months of school left. There are two events where I will need you to be on high alert, Prom and Graduation" He said while circling dates on a calendar and showing me when the days were.

"Boss" I said, him looking up from the calendar and raising his eyebrows. "Yeah?" He asked, sitting the pen down and holding his hands on top of the table.

"I-" I started before stopping and sighing. I looked down at the table and found the passer that had my description on it, grabbing it and putting it in front of him.

He looked down at the paper, reading it quickly before moving his eyes up to me.

"I know" He sighed, me chowing my eyebrows slightly. "You know?" I asked, confused. I hadn't told him or anyone and I always made sure to be undercover.

"Jason, you are one of the best members in this gang so I know when you worked for Martin, he chose you to follow my daughter around and try to kidnap her" He said. "I knew that when I met you at that exchange before you said you wanted to leave Martin. I got one look at you and knew" He shrugged.

My Bosses Daughter    (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now