5. Talk

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Kaylee's POV

    I wondered all throughout the house trying to figure out where everyone was. I heard voices but I didn't know where they were coming from. I had checked my fathers office upstairs and the now was checking the meeting room that was also quiet and empty.

I heard a fist hit a desk while my father yelled out "He will not get away with this".

I followed the voice and realized it was coming from my dads office on the bottom floor. The only time he used this office was when there was an emergency meeting and he needed clear site of the front door incase someone broke it, which hasn't happened since we installed cameras and gates.

I seen the light on in his office, me making my way over to it and stopping at the door way. I looked around the room, Alex pacing the room while Cameron had his head in his hands while his elbows supported him.

Jason stood with his arms crossed over his chest while he stared down at the computer, my dad doing the same but his fists were balled and sitting on the desk.

"This can't happen Jason, you're going to have to keep an eye on her now more than ever" my dad said, looking up from his laptop and at Jason. Jason nodded while running his hand over his chin, it wrapping a tad at the bottom.

"I won't let anything happen to her" He mumbled, moving his hands down to the desk and getting a better look at the computer screen.

"I will be watching after her as well. I just have to get everything in order first" My dad said. "We have to get our plan set and everyone needs to be here, including Kaylee" My dad said while looking back at Jason once more.

"When is he coming into town?" I heard Jason ask as my dad looked back at the screen. All of them gathered around my dad, staring at the screen in front of them.

"Oh shit" Cameron said once he had walked up beside my dad and looked over his shoulder.

My brother looked up while groaning but stopped as soon as his eyes met mine. He pursed his lips softly while nudging my dad, my dad looking over at him, then noticing he was looking at something, so he turned his head.

Soon, everyone in the room was staring at me while I stood there in my pajamas and my hair in a messy bun.

"Why are you all staring at me?" I asked quietly while crossing my arms over my chest. I looked over at Jason who was now sitting down with his hand cupping the bottom part of his face while staring back at me.

"We need to talk to you" My dad said. I bit my lip softly, leaving the doorway and walking into the room, making my way to my dads side.

I seen that there was a message from Martin saying the he most definitely wasn't dead and that he was going to be coming back in town soon, and by soon, he means tomorrow night.

You and your so called men thought you could get rid of me that easily? Try again. Now, it is no surprise that we want her. You've known for years that if we get her, we will be set and your family will be free. Now I know you aren't willing to just hand her over so you're going to be forced to give her to us. Well, she's going to be forced to come with us may I say. Unless I use the plan that I've had set up for as long as she's been alive. Either you let me have her, or... your wife. There is no way around this John, you must make a decision or the ones you love will be hurt in more ways than one. This plan has been sitting in my files for too long and is waiting to be used. You have until tonight to email me with your decision.

By the time I had finished reading the email, my eyes had started watering without me realizing. It was anger mixed with fear. I didn't want to go be with some creep that's into seventeen year olds.

My Bosses Daughter    (Jason McCann)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora