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I watched the strippers hips away as she made her way towards me, her boobs almost falling out of her top. I let my eyes rest on them until she got closer, going to meet her eyes to see a smirk on her face.

"You seem intrigued" She smiled, me licking my lips quickly and smirking. "I might be" I said.

She turned around, letting her back face me as she placed herself on my lap. "You get what you pay for, and considering you're sitting in the VIP section, you deserve it all" She said, peaking over her shoulder at me.

The same exact way she used to, teasing me to no end and knowing she was but me not minding because I knew she wasn't ready.

I wanted to get her off of my mind, I needed too. I had hoped the boys bringing me here would take my mind off of it completely, but every little thing makes me think of her.

"Then give it to me" I said, raising my eyebrows slightly, her giggling before turning her head back around as the music started playing throughout the club.

I hadn't handled everything the way I should have and I knew I didn't. I should have been honest with her and told her the truth when I first met her. I would have been able to handle her being angry with me back then but now, it's killing me.

"Mr. McCann" I heard my name being called, me furrowing my eyebrows while lifted my head from the seat and looking over. "I'm a little busy at the moment" I said, pointing at the stripper slightly.

"There's a phone call for you" The man said, holding up his personal phone and handing it to me, his hand shaking slightly in fear.

I huffed, grabbing the phone and holding it up to my ear, letting my hand rest on the strippers hip as she was grinding her hips. It was no where near as attractive as her, no one ever will be.

"Hello" I huffed once again, already frustrated at this hooker on my lap, now getting interrupted from the first female interaction I've had in two months.

I heard a slight chuckle coming through the phone before hearing a familiar voice say "Someone wants to speak to you" I could hear him smirking through the phone.

There was a slight pause, my brows furrowing while I waited for this 'Someone'.

"Jace" I heard her sob, my heart dropping. I gripped onto the strippers hip accidentally, her reaching down and grabbing my wrist while looking back at me.

"Ow" The girl squealed.

"I need your help" I heard her whimper through the phone. I pushed the stripper off of my lap and stood up "I'm coming, okay?" I said, looking over at the guys and moving my finger in a circular motion, telling them to come with me.

"Asshole" I heard the stripper say as she shoved past me, holding her hip that I had assumed hit something on the fall down.

"I'm so scared" I heard her say for the first time ever. She was my brave girl, and to hear so much fear in her voice made my blood boil. "I'm coming baby" I said softly, not wanting her to become even more scared if she knew how terrified I was for her.

"Please" She sniffled, the phone sounding like it was further away from her this time. "Might want to hurry McCann. She's already dressed up for us" I heard him say with a smirk.

"Lay a hand on her and I promise you now, we will take your entire crew out" I said clenching my fists.

"Stop-STOP" I heard her scream in the background, letting out a loud sob.

"Clocks ticking" And with that, the call ended and I was left to figure out where my girl was.

My Bosses Daughter    (Jason McCann)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin