Spies&Make Up S%$

876 38 18

-Misty POV-

Salma and Hoseok were both in shock after I came crying to them and told them what had happened.

It doesn't make semse to me, why is Namjoon being nice to Jessica all of a sudden? It irks me!

After all we've been through, he still cares for her...

...makes me wonder if what him and I have is even real, if it means anything to him or not. I think I'm beginning to doubt our relationship.

Hoseok can't explain it either, and he's calling all of his friends so we can have a gathering, meanwhile my best friend is consoling me.

Salma is outraged, I can tell she wants to hurt someone, but for my sake she's remaining as calm as possible.

"As of now, Namjoon can go die for all I care." She muttered.

I sighed, "That's not nice to say..."

"Don't defend him." She told me.

My eyes met hers, "Why not? I still love him."

"Misty he obviously doesn't care about you. Don't be the dumb leading girl in fanfics that even after she gets hurt to the bone, her dumbass still gets back with the boy because she 'loves him' ok?" Salma advised.

"Yet you make almost every leading girl in your fanfics dumb as fuck..." I said.

"Thanks for the shade, but don't care about Namjoon."

I lowered my head, "I don't know, maybe I was too harsh."

"And then you blame yourself all the time, of course. I should know, I write about this kind of drama. Dang it. I need to stop that..."

"Salma I'm not trying to be funny." I told her.

She sighed, "Sorry... I just hate to see you mope around like this, instead of laying in bed, why not be active. Let's do some devious shit."

"Like what? Spy on Jessica, and show Namjoon what a fucking bitch she really is?" I asked.

Salma smirked and raised an eyebrow, "You read my mind."

"What? No. Salma we can't. I was joking--"

"Too late, I'll go ask Hoseok if the guys are coming or not, time to assign positions." She said and walked out the door.

"Positions? For what! Salma!" I yelled.

She didn't respond.

I groaned and covered my face.

Things are going to get spiced up if Salma goes through with this, why is she such a savage?


-Later that day-

"All right fellas, we are gathered here today to make a pact. A pact that will help us knock some damn sense into Namjoon." Salma said with a clipboard in her hands.

Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, and even Yoongi are all here in Hoseok's apartment.

I cannot believe Salma is actually doing this.

Jin: Namjoon probably doesn't have bad intentions--

Yoongi: Jin shut up, we know Namjoon doesn't like that girl. Something's clearly wrong here.

Hoseok: Sure he's a good guy, but he isn't this kind to people he dislikes. Especially to Jess.

Salma: Exactly babe, you're right. Now here's what we're going to do, I have positions for all of you.

The Co-worker I Fell For《BTS RAP MONSTER FANFIC》Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora