No Forgiveness&Stubborn

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"Ok so what are they doing now?" I asked.

Salma giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"No it's just..this is very funny." She said.

"What is?!"

"This! Me spying on Misty for you. I remember when she made me spy on you." She giggled.

"You guys spied on me?"

"Let's not get off topic. They just left the store."

"Oh ok. What now?"

"Hmm..well. seems like he's trying to hold her hand but she isn't letting him. Almost looks..uncomfortable."

I smiled. "Yeah..she's shy."

"Shy? More like 'niggah get away from me, you ain't Namjoon' tsk."

I laughed. "As if thats something she'd say."

"It is? I'm her best friend. Hello?"

I shook my head. "True. What are they doing now?"

"Ok honestly. You have nothing to worry about. Misty looks out of it."

"But..when they left they were laughing."

"Yeah because you were there? She had to make you jealous. And it worked. Haha. Aye! My baby's learning."

I giggled. "She's my baby."

"Uhm no. Chicks before di- oh shit!"


"I think they saw me. Gotta go! Annyeong!"



He better not try and pull a move.


-Hours Later-

I giggled. "Tonight was fun. Thanks, Joey." I stopped at my door step and looked at Joey.

He smiled. "I're so nice. You deserve the best."

I smiled warmly

Just then he leaned in and closed his eyes.


I turned my head and he kissed my cheek, I blushed a little. "Goodnight Joey." I said and quickly made my way inside.

I shut the door in his face.


That was so close.

God I'm so mean. I don't like Joey? My heart belongs to Namjoon!

Why is this happening to me? I was so bappy..then Jessica came in and ruined everything.

That hoe...

I sighed and went to my room.

Salma isn't home. Maybe she's out.

Man I've been feeling down lately, I actually been thinking about going home.

Like home home.

Back in NYC. Where my family is.

The only family I have here is Salma.

But I need more..I miss my parents.

My brother.

My little sister.

My grandma.

They always call but...I just need to be around people who love me. I'm so broken.

After I changed, I went to the living room and watched sad romantic movies. I stuffed my face with chips, ice cream, whip cream. I cried and used up 2boxes of tissues. I wish I can have a happy ending.

The Co-worker I Fell For《BTS RAP MONSTER FANFIC》Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя