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He left his mark on me.

All I needed was one night with him.

Just one night to officially fall madly in love with him.

I don't care what happens anymore, besides getting caught.

He has me, I'm his. And he's mine.

Jessica can go suck it, she never deserved him anyway.

I told Salma the day after and she's concerned with a few things. I mean, I am too but.. I really don't care.

I have no regrets.

It's what I wanted to do and I'm happy with everything, for now.

The only downside is, I can't look at Jessica in the eye anymore. It's awkward.

Yet again it feels engaging, I sometimes have the courage to tell her. But I'm not that dumb.

Tonight is the night of the party, or ball, as Jessica calls it, actually she changed the theme so everyone has to wear a mask now.

For a, "Ball"

How STUPID is that?

She's so retarded, I swear.

Has she forgotten that we're inviting celebrities over? I mean, she must've forgotten because I doubt they'll even come any more.

Maybe a few would but I highly doubt it. No offense.

The only reason why I'm bitching right now is because I learned all the names on the list. I memorized each guest and their background, if they don't show up, then I literally wasted my time. And Salma's because she helped a lot.

"Misty, I need you in the conference room, hurry." Jessica snapped as she walked by my cubicle.

"Yes mam.." I muttered.

Namjoon needs to fire her as soon as possible, he mentioned that he had it in mind but I don't know if he actually means it.

Speaking of Namjoon, where is he?

I haven't seen him all day.

It'll be the first time we see each other after our night.

"Misty!" Jessica shouted.

She's always screaming, I'm surprised she hasn't lost her voice yet.

I grabbed my notepad and began to walk towards the conference room.

Just as I turned the corner.

I gasped, "Namjoon..oh my gosh.."

My heart throbbed, I love when he wears all black, he looks too good.

He smirked, "Good morning, Misty."

He gently leaned in and kissed me.


I backed away, "What are you doing? We're at work!" I told him.

He chuckled, "No one saw anything."

I blushed, "Still.. don't do that."

He leaned in again and pecked my lips, this time I smiled and kissed him back.

"Whoa, slow down, Misty. We're at work." He said.

I playfully hit him, "Don't use my words."

He smiled, "C'mon, we got a meeting to attend, sit with me?"

"Namjoon please stop teasing me."

"Why? I need to gas you up so that when we get a little ahead of ourselves again..you don't hold back."

The Co-worker I Fell For《BTS RAP MONSTER FANFIC》Where stories live. Discover now